There're holy things in all cultures, and they are untouchable for all laws. They have to be.
And during last 50 years the memory of dead soldiers of the WWII was in this list.
But COVID has destroyed it.
My city Kerch has a great tradition - a torchlight procession devoted to the Great Victory Day of the 9th of May. In 1945 the USSR won the fascism, and this date is holy here.
Kerch torchlight procession is something well-known far outside Kerch, and it's something that should be seen at least once.
All citizens and guests of the city wait for this day every year. They take torches and go throught the whole city, climb to the main and hightest mountain with the monument to soldiers.
Just look!
This year the tradition has been broken. The authorities has forbidden to organize this traditional torchlight procession because of Covid.
the entry to the mountain was closed
It can be understood IF only not to take into consideration that ALL the rest mass events are held!
ALL restaurants, shops, markets are open
MILLIONS of tourists come to the Crimea in summer every year (especially now, when many other directions are closed).
SO where is the logics?!
Mass events are dangerous for people?
Mass coming of tourists are NOT?
Or maybe there is a great difference between events that give profit to the city budget and don't give?
People were crazy about this news, because when it touches holy things, silence is impossible.
It was a great scandal in social nets, and people show their hate to authorities.
And there was a way out! Despite the law, the tradition was continued!
Unfortunately, there was no open info about it, so not all people who wanted to come, could do it, but still some people organized the torchlight procession this year!
We can't say it was a procession - just a few people with torches but still! It was a protest against сovid breaking power that touches history and holy memory.
people found another way to climb to the mountain with torches and flowers
source - the local city site
Citizens showed thanks and respect to therse people, and authorities didn't dare to punish them!
It looks like Covid is used not only to make people be enemies for each other, to make distance between them, to make them obey and be faceless slaves, but also to kill holy memory, traditions, culture and history...
C19 is being used as the excuse (cover) to install a new brand of fascism.
yes, there is truth in your words..
First of all; beautiful pictures.
Second, I think it is very interesting that the limitations placed on private gatherings and in houses of worship, even as outside masked, distanced events, have been more severe and longer lasting than those placed on certain businesses. But, more importantly, that this is a multi-national issue. How did the world become so organized that vastly different governments in vastly different regions, with vastly different cultures, arrive at the same anti-religious-gathering standards? It does cause a person to wonder the true intentions in 'protecting' us from the virus. Thank you for this article.
Because, over and over, religious gatherings caused spread of the virus.
Some people are extremely upset about this, but, it's not everyone. It's mainly upsetting the kind of people who go to church, and like having a weekly social/philosophical community experience. That isn't everyone.
People were extremely upset that bars were shut, as well. That's because the kind of people who go to bars, also like to get together and socialize.
The other big spreader events were parties, and crowded workplaces.
It's not about stopping religion -- it's about curtailing gatherings where people talk, close to each other.
The covid ended with everything, but with everything that those who have power are not interested in, you can no longer accompany your relatives in sickness or say goodbye to them on the deathbed.
...because the State is now your family, and the only allegiance you should have. 😡
family? I don't think THEY consider us to be their family..
It was an ironic comment. We are being treated as stupid children and they consider themselves the parents who know best.
There's a reason we use the terms, Big Brother and Nanny Sate.
Wow excelente post, muy instructivo, gracias por compartir, te dejo mi voto y te sigo.
I find this extremely disrespectful to the dead soldiers of the Second World War. Unfortunately, money is the linchpin of society.
It may be that Covid-19 is a dangerous thing. But when it comes to tourism, suddenly everything is fine.
Agreed: You have to keep in mind that many people depend on money. Restaurant managers also have to get their bread somehow. But why doesn't the state help?
In Germany, people hardly get any help from the state. Instead, we have to fill out some paperwork and wait months for it. During this time, the employees are not paid. But hey, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the procedure takes a good long time, so that the state does not have to give money to those in need of help.