In this post you will find a first version in Spanish, and later you will find an equal version in English language.

Horóscopo de la Semana, con Tarot911: presentando un breve resumen del horóscopo que regirá desde el viernes, 8 de Octubre hasta el jueves 14 de Octubre de 2021; aunque como siempre digo, su energía puede prolongarse una semana más. Comenzamos.
- ARIES: Ciclo, cambio y transformación. Tienes que ser paciente y perseverante. Medita bien lo que vas a hacer, porque puedes equivocarte. Recuerda que Mercurio está retrógrado. Tendrás que dejar cosas atrás, aquello que no te conviene saldrá de tu vida.
- TAURO: Dificultades económicas y problemas con una documentación. Deja la vanidad, la grandilocuencia y la prepotencia, eso no te traerá nada bueno. Una persona mayor se enferma, tiene un accidente o una caída. Tendrás prisa por conseguir prestado un dinero y te va a costar mucho obtenerlo y también devolverlo.
- GÉMINIS: Confusión que te genera atrasos en algo que dabas por hecho. Tendrás que insistir para obtener una respuesta esperada. Asunto con una ventana, (vidrio, cortina o persiana), que se deteriora y/o la sustituyes. Se pierde algo valioso. Cuida tus pertenencias.
- CÁNCER: Paciencia y precaución son las palabras clave. Pensarás que algo se da de manera automática y natural, pero no será el caso, pues hay engaño y traición; no obstante el bien prevalecerá, y eso que te preocupa tendrá un buen resultado. Algo que deseas mucho, puede tardar un año en concretarse.
- LEO: Vas a experimentar de forma inesperada y dura, un fuerte aprendizaje. Esto te enseñará que hay procesos, tiempos y pausas que no pueden acelerarse, ya que no se obtendrán buenos resultados. Algo con un pan o torta que se pone en mal estado.
- VIRGO: Una victoria importante que te sorprende y llena de júbilo. Recibirás el fruto de tu esfuerzo y te admirarás de la perfección del universo. Harás un viaje o traslado. Ten cuidado con aquellos que quieran inmiscuirse en tu vida, especialmente una persona de carácter fuerte.
- LIBRA: Viene algo inesperado y negativo, que te tomará de sorpresa. Mucho cuidado con tus propiedades, vehículos y cuentas bancarias, porque puedes tener pérdidas. Ten tus papeles al día y tus claves resguardadas.
- ESCORPIO: Estarás en una situación difícil por culpa de un tercero de fuerte temperamento. No te dejes enredar en un chisme o en un problema que no te concierne. No prestes dinero. Mucha velocidad y responsabilidad para salir bien librado esta semana. Chisme.
- SAGITARIO: No te fíes sólo de tu intuición, trata de ser más objetivo en tus apreciaciones. A mitad de semana viene algo muy positivo, puede ser una bonificación, objeto o una noticia que te hará feliz. Aprovecha el momento. Ten cuidado con contagios. No asumas responsabilidades que no son tuyas.
- CAPRICORNIO: Te esforzarás mucho esta semana, y todo irá muy bien, pero anticípate a un problema que se puede presentar con esa gestión que estás haciendo. Por ejemplo, si estás planificando una compra, o estás concretando un trámite, revisa muy bien las condiciones y recaudos, para que luego no te veas perjudicado.
- ACUARIO: Cuida mucho tu patrimonio, revisa aquello que no esté claro, que esté desprotegido. Verás al Universo manifestarse en todo su esplendor en tu vida. Recibes una noticia esperada, deseada, que te hará muy feliz. Celebraciones.
- PISCIS: Estás tratando de fortalecer algo importante para ti en el ámbito laboral, pero será más difícil de lo que pensabas. Quien te ofreció apoyo se retractará de ello, así que no esperes que todo resulte como lo imaginabas. Toma tus previsiones.

Ven a conocer el multiverso en el que vivimos, todos los jueves, a las 5:30 p.m. hora Venezuela en: DIMENSIÓN CUÁNTICA.

Horoscope Summary from Friday, October 8 to Thursday, October 14, 2021
"We are architects of our own destiny." (Albert Einstein)

Photo by Josh Gordon on Unsplash

The presentation image is available on the website and has been intervened with the CANVA application. The rest of the images are also available on Each image has its respective source.
The wording of this publication is 100% ORIGINAL, and used the Google Traslator app for its English translation
This post is my authorship and property, product of my own precognitive process, which is why ITS REPRODUCTION IS FORBIDDEN. Thank you.
For private inquiries, you can write to the mail: [email protected] or contact the Discord: Tarot911#8370

Un programa en el que haremos un recorrido por temas vinculados a la magia, lo paranormal, la astrología y la espiritualidad. Podrás encontrar tips astrológicos, tu horóscopo semanal y consultas exprés.
Presentado por @Tarot911, y sólo lo puedes disfrutar en el Discord de LaRadio.

Horoscope of the Week, with Tarot911: presenting a brief summary of the horoscope that will rule from Friday, October 8 until Thursday, October 14, 2021; although as I always say, its energy can be extended for another week. We begin.
- ARIES: Cycle, change and transformation. You have to be patient and persevering. Meditate well what you are going to do, because you can make a mistake. Remember that Mercury is retrograde. You will have to leave things behind, that which does not suit you will leave your life.
- TAURUS: Economic difficulties and problems with a documentation. Leave vanity, grandiloquence and arrogance, that will not bring you anything good. An elderly person becomes ill, has an accident or a fall. You will be in a hurry to borrow money and it will cost you a lot to get it and also to return it..
- GEMINIS: Confusion that generates delays in something you took for granted. You will have to insist to get an expected answer. Issue with a window, (glass, curtain or blind), which deteriorates and/or you replace it. Something valuable is lost. Take care of your belongings.
- CANCER: Patience and caution are the key words. You will think that something happens automatically and naturally, but it will not be the case, because there is deception and betrayal; however, good will prevail, and that which worries you will have a good result. Something you want very much may take a year to materialize..
- LEO: You are going to experience in an unexpected and hard way, a strong learning. This will teach you that there are processes, times and pauses that cannot be rushed, as you will not get good results. Something with a bread or cake that goes bad.
- VIRGO: An important victory that surprises you and fills you with joy. You will receive the fruit of your efforts and you will admire the perfection of the universe. You will make a trip or relocation. Beware of those who want to meddle in your life, especially a person of strong character.
- LIBRA: Something unexpected and negative is coming, which will take you by surprise. Be very careful with your properties, vehicles and bank accounts, because you may have losses. Keep your papers up to date and your passwords protected.
- SCORPIO: You will be in a difficult situation because of a third party with a strong temper. Don't get entangled in gossip or a problem that doesn't concern you. Do not lend money. A lot of speed and responsibility to get off easy this week. Gossip.
- SAGITTARIUS: Do not rely only on your intuition, try to be more objective in your assessments. In the middle of the week comes something very positive, it can be a bonus, object or news that will make you happy. Take advantage of the moment. Beware of contagions. Do not assume responsibilities that are not yours.
- CAPRICORN: You will try very hard this week, and everything will go very well, but anticipate a problem that may arise with that management you are doing. For example, if you are planning a purchase, or you are finalizing a transaction, check very well the conditions and requirements, so that later you will not be harmed.
- AQUARIUS: Take good care of your assets, check what is unclear, that is unprotected. You will see the Universe manifest in all its splendor in your life. You receive a long-awaited news, desired, that will make you very happy. Celebrations.
- PISCES: You're trying to strengthen something important to you on the work front, but it will be more difficult than you thought. Whoever offered you support will back out of it, so don't expect everything to turn out as you imagined. Take your precautions.

Come discover the multiverse in which we live, every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Venezuela time in: QUANTUM DIMENSION.
A program in which we will take a tour of topics related to magic, the paranormal, astrology and spirituality. You can find astrological tips, your weekly horoscope and express consultations.
Presented by @Tarot911, and you can only enjoy it on LaRadio's Discord.