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RE: You don’t fight back by fighting back.

in Cross Culture3 years ago

If you want to support your cause be the most shining example of what a human should be like in every situation and don’t stoop to a lower level. Don’t try to force others to see things your way when you are worried about being forced to live a different way, that is the exact energy you disagree with.

This! I stopped trying to convince people of whatever I wanted them to see long time ago. It's pointless it only causes arguments, negative energy and often ruins relationships before either has proven the point they wanted. It's much better to let everyone be, respect their views and swallow your words when you think things could get heated. It's not always easy though, because truthfully a lot of people are (so it feels) on a war path nowadays. I see normal posts on Twitter or FB end up in heated discussions where people call each other rotten fish. Totally out of proportion.

And that's indeed childish (let's say toddler) behavior if one can't just act as an adult. I don't need people throwing their opinions on me whenever I didn't ask, and when I do ask, let's at least keep in mind we can disagree and still be ok. I'm not forcing anyone to take a jab or not, and I wish the same from someone else. I can make my personal decisions and vice versa.

But it seems fear has taken over, I have to admit, at the start of the pandemic it did take over here too. Not the boyfriend, he remained calm, but I was acting insane taking out my clothes when coming back from the store and afraid to touch my face lol. After a few weeks, rational thinking made me see I'm overreacting and use common sense girl. :) It sucks though to constantly still see people get angry at others for just having another opinion. It makes me sad to read sometimes. And I hope one day, everyone can look back at this and realize this is not how we want to act to others.


I guess I was predisposed to learn this lesson eventually because my ideas were so drastically different from everyone around me until I was in my late 20's. It took an extra 5 or 6 years after that to really learn it completely though.

I think the pandemic knocked out the last bit of desire to argue out of me. I got really heated about twice during the whole thing but both lasted about an hour or two and then I was back. As I said, tooooo much practice, I should have learned much earlier actually.

I don't know if everyone will learn, but some of them definitely will!

OH no, not everyone will learn. Some will always keep believing in fairy tales, which is fine as long as I don't have to have a discussion with them. The pandemic has changed so many lives in so many ways, I personally can't say that everything has turned bad here, as I found a new job three times during these months where so many lose their job.

I've gained so much insights personally, and yes, I've realized that people can turn into animals when they are driven by fear. I know how it feels to be driven by fear, and it's not a good feeling. So I also know that it makes you go a bit crazy in your beliefs and I can't even blame some of them for going bananas.

I just hope that not too long from now, things will calm down and people can start living from other points of views again instead of a big part of humanity living in fear and obeying restrictions that often don't make sense when thinking about it. I wish more people could be chill like here on Hive, I find all these like-minded people here while in real life, I could never have a normal conversation about some stuff. Hive has truly enriched my life in that matter. I've actually learned a lot here :)

I wish more people would find their way here, it may do them so much good!

I'm finding that if I don't try to connect on every topic with every person, most people have lots of fun and enjoyable sides to them. With 80% of people though there are 1 or 2 topics which I just avoid because I don't think they'll go anywhere. It doesn't mean I'll lie or sensor myself, I just try to move away from those topics as much as possible.