It seemed appropriate to photograph some shit in the harbour and share it on Hive and this post is where I've decided to do that. The shit I've photographed is tuna boats and the harbour is that of Port Lincoln, South Australia, the tuna capital of Australia.
For those hoping to see brownish logs of shit floating around in the harbour I'm afraid you'll leave this post unsatisfied and for those expecting to see shit photos of shit in the harbour you'll leave satisfied because these photos depict some shit, tuna boats, in the harbour and the photos are shit hence why they're posted in this community.
Around the 1940's the sheer mass of southern bluefin tuna in the waters off Port Lincoln raised eyebrows and a government study was conducted to look into the economic viability of harvesting them commercially. Post war (WWII), a bunch of immigrants to the country (ex-Europe) realised the potential and inside of ten years had hauled in about 8,000 tons of the fish using poles and lines. That's a lot of hard work and impressive numbers.
As humans tend to do, they wanted more and more revenue so fishing methods changed and by 1982 southern bluefin tuna stocks had been over-fished and measures needed to be taken to protect the species; quotas were policed.

The risk to the species and subsequent quotas meant new ways had to be found if the substantial revenues were to be maintained and that's when tuna farming came into being, it's called purse seine fishing.
It basically limits the number of net-caught tuna and leaves others to roam free. The netted catch is towed to Port Lincoln and fed (sardines) which allows them to grow larger and more marketable and to be harvested when in their prime; there's massive rings of netted "farms" dotted around the place, their construction an industry in itself - it's really quite something to see. It resulted in the tuna fishers harvests increasing dramatically, and the industry to continue sustainably and very lucratively.
The tuna fishing industry in Port Lincoln is a multi-million dollar industry (over 90% of Australia's tuna fishing licenses are registered in Port Lincoln) and most of the tuna fishers are millionaires with some being worth over $250m each, the top four; that's unsurprising when Japan pours some $250 million of revenue through tuna sales into Port Lincoln each year. The town is small, only some 17,000 residents (more when the tourists turn up) so has a very high number of millionaires per capita and all through fishing for tuna, abalone and oyster farming.

I was in Port Lincoln a while back and enjoyed the experience; I was camping and spending time in some of the surrounding areas such as Coffin Bay (famous for oysters) and Lincoln National Park which is a stunning location; you'll need a four wheel drive and some skills like mine if you want to see the best parts though. It's a great spot however even though the photos I have here look shit.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Lucrative or not I wouldn't want to fish for a living, but I admire those that do. The sea is beautiful and wild and it whispers to me 'you are no match for me'...I heed those whispers and remain on land, staring out in admiration and awe.
Nice shit photos, the blues are eye-popping
Yep, I'm with you...I like it but it feels somewhat ominous to me, like it's just waiting to rise up or something. It's magnificently beautiful and there's an incredible world down there...but it's violent like little else can be as well.
Anyway, thanks for liking my shit photos, I'd say I worked hard and creating them but all my photos are shit and it doesn't take much effort to make them so. 😊
The Kraken...'tis always on my mind when I get close to the ocean. One must be ever vigilant.
Head on a swivel lol
That is some interesting information about the tuna industry. I have never fished for them, but have a retired Marine friend who runs fishing charter of the East Coast and imagine he has fished for them. I will have to ask next time I talk to him. Anyway, photos aren't bad and I can imagine the labor that goes into catching a limit.
Line fishing for tuna commercially is hard work, they're big bastards, and even net fishing is difficult and dangerous; it can be extremely lucrative of course, for crew and owners.
It seems commercial fishing of any kind is hard work and dangerous. You ever watch the show Deadliest Catch?
Yeah, we get that show, and other spin-off shows like it, here and it's nuts right? The Bearing Sea is a dangerous place.
Some ball bearing nuts on some of those deck workers for sure.
Yeah for sure, death in the ocean is a good motivation to put safety first I reckon.
Me & Sam Sam love us some Tuna. I just had some for lunch here today at the Pookyville Cat Ranch. 👍
Yeah man, I like it too. What's your favourite way of having it? I like tuna, lettuce and mayo on white bread (not that I eat much white bread) and tuna on crackers is awesome too.
Usually with miracle whip on fresh soft white bread. Never toasted. I have been known to just share it plain with Sammi Jo. Best with chocolate milk as a chaser.
I've had many meals that consisted of plain tuna fish...not the worst thing in the world and it did its job.
Interesting information about how the tuna's are catched and grown bigger before selling and I don't think the pictures are shit at all!
If I don't call the pictures shit this post won't belong in this community. One thing that certainly would be shit is being a tuna that gets caught in a net, processed and then eaten. Truly no fun at all.
I don't eat anything that was swimming at some point 😫
You're vegan?
No I love meat I just don't like the taste of fish haha.
I guess you have to grow up eating fish and learn to love it at a young age, I didn't... I've tried many times but still don't like it
"Tuna Capital", sounds like a good name for a dive bar or a gentlemen's club! Horrible photos by the way!
Oh yeah, they're terrible huh? Lol.
Hmm, maybe the catchphrase could be:
Tuna Capital - come taste the flavours
That gentleman's club would be pretty popular I reckon. 🤐
With a certain class of people they might really enjoy it. I didn't say it had to be A list talent. 😃
Lol. B or C listers huh?
At best!
This post has such a unique and humorous way of sharing a story! The history of Port Lincoln and the tuna boats is really fascinating. It’s interesting how the industry evolved, especially with the challenges of overfishing and conservation. Great way to mix humor with an insightful look into the local fishing scene!
I'm not inclined to simply dump a few photos so figured a little background on the Port Lincoln tuna industry might be a good filler; thanks for commenting.
Your approach is truly admirable! Sharing photos with some context makes them much more meaningful. Keep up the great work!
I appreciate you my dear friend
Thanks, I'll keep it up.
You replied to AI-generated spam.
Absolutely! Keep it up, and success will follow you.
Hi Galen, I think that in this community the criteria of what is a good photo or what is a crappy photo are not clear. It is also possible that my eye does not distinguish good photos from crappy photos.
Photographs aside, the story is very interesting. Starting with the fact that I like that people with such a hard work become millionaires. It is also very well summarized the passage from one form of fishing to another, and how greed almost killed the tuna. All in all, a good story.
Thanks mate, I actually don't think my photos are shit at all, they're just photos, but I say they are so I have an excuse to post them in this community. That's not to say others will think the same...I'm sure someone thinks they're totally shit...but I don't really care what others think about my photography.
Port Lincoln is a pretty nice place, small and a long way from anywhere else but that's not unusual in Australia. I like it there, a small town vibe with some lovely scenery around the place.
Hi, Galen. I'm glad to know that I don't have a crap-ton of criteria when it comes to rating photpgraphs. And as for the location, it looks like a great place to visit.
I hope you enjoy a great almost-Friday.
Almost-Friday...not quite as good as Friday but close.
Around here, Friday is a little farther away... but I can feel it coming.
The feeling of an impending Friday is a good feeling I think.
I think and feel the same, although over here they are announcing the end of the world...snowfall, ice and I think they have also announced killer polar bears.... 🤣
I thought the photographs were fantastic.... I mean... shitty, really shitty. I've always loved harbours and that fishy arona, I have no idea why but I love it and there's so much colour in those pictures... it's great!
I liked reading the story, and that's what always happens with the over exploitation of a species, then you have to protect it, not just to keep getting it but to keep it from going extinct.
Will there be pictures of Lincoln National Park? It must be great!
I've posted before about Lincoln National Park, a while back and have used the images a few times for various other posts. I'm not sure I'd have enough to say about the place to do another post but maybe I'll do a few photos sometime.
I remember some very beautiful pictures, I love the parks. If there are more pictures it would be great to see them. thanks! I hope you had a great day.
I don't think your photos are that bad, and what you tell us is very interesting. That photo of the blue boat is beautiful.
Greetings and nice week.🤗😘
I never said they were bad, just that they were shit because they have to be shit to be posted in this community.
I bet my dad would love to see that place with his own eyes one day, being a big fan of fishing and species of fish in general!
If that's the case I reckon he'd love it as the area has a lot to do with aquaculture and the associated support industries.
This is such a beautiful picture, I love how vibrant the blue is in this
Thanks, I'm not much of a photographer but sometimes get something I like when I take a photo.
I personally think your be a great photographer
I appreciate that greatly, thank you.
Very interesting topic and great photos, sir
Interesting and great is exactly what I was hoping for.
Very-very beautiful sir 😍
Always been a fan on your pics.lovimg it
The photos were taken with a phone camera.