Time difference

in Shit Photography2 months ago

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A week or so ago I took a walk on the beach close to where I live together with my girl; I go there a lot and it never disappoints. We walked for a couple hours and in that time it changed so much; every time I looked my eyes saw a different view. The clouds changed in formation, the water moved in and out changing in form each time and that changed the beach also - sand ripples, puddles, wet or wetter sand, and the light changed also, a common thing when the sun sets of course.

It had been a hot day and was still around 34 degrees Celsius when we started out and the sun was still above the horizon. One of the first shots I took was the jetty below and you can see the sky wasn't yet stained the orange it would be a little later, and ever-changing array of colours. Another thing that changed were the people, quite a lot of them actually due to it being Australia Day and a free way for families to get some entertainment, and it was nice to see them all enjoying the beach as were the two of us.

In this post I decided to show some images of some of the people we walked by and, of course, some of the colours nature provided us with. I'm always amazed at how different the same location can look on the very same day with the passage of only a couple of hours.

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Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


Sunsets are always fun for observing changes of pretty much everything. Sunrise is probably similar but I'm rarely awake for those ^_^;

Love the silhouettes!

Oh yeah, I've seen many sunrises and they are the same, or can be. The thing is that I like sunsets better as it brings the day to a close and always makes me look ahead to the next.

That just goes to show you that minutes are precious. After that moment passes it will never be the same again and that was a perfect example. A perfect stroll with your lady on your Australia Day threesome. The colors are glorious!

Minutes matter, they count, and in certain situations so do seconds. I think it's easy for a human to forget that and be wasteful with time; I've done that but work towards making better use.

Yeah, a nice walk and the colours were quite incredible.

Jealous! It's been very cold where I live, lots of snow and ice. Treacherous. I am fortunate to be able to console myself by living vicariously through my friends here on Hive. Lovely shots.

Thank you, thank you! It was a really nice walk and the feeling of being completely surrounded in colour is always welcome. May the snow go away and coloured sunsets come soon.

It's very beautiful there on the beach, your photos are great and capture the essence well.

Thanks you, I appreciate it. I live very close to this beach so I go there a lot so have seen it at it's best and worst (yes, it can be bad weather there). I'm fortunate to have it close by.

Beautiful pics, as usual =)

Cheers, my local beach really delivers huh?

Oh wow a nice warm walk on a beach sounds awesome right about now.

We are still stuck in winter up here and won’t be in that heat for months!

Thanks for taking us on a stroll with you!

I always like snow when I see it in pictures like this but I think the reality of living in it day to day might become tedious or problematic. When will sunsets start to colour up for you?

"Change is the only constant thing in the world," they say.

Some elements are so powerful, like sun, that a change in them changes everything else.

The photos are beautiful by the way. I loved the second last phot the most. It is brighter.

A lot of people are afraid of change and it's understandable, although change can mean development, progress and greater results...and sometimes it just means a nice sunset.

Change is inevitable no matter how reluctant we are to face it.

In the form of sunset though it is beautiful 😍

Dope shots man, I love that time of day in the summertime! Really makes for such wonderful photos! Seeing the kiddos splashing at the end of the day is a really nice way to end it, seeing the most important and innocent of them enjoying life.

There were a lot of families there, free entertainment, not that you'd know from my photos I guess. The coloured were pretty good though, and with the ocean noises as well it made for a pleasing evening.

Looks like it was a pretty perfect day if not a little bit for the holiday. It's always nice when the weather cooperates like that. We can go through all four seasons in one day here sometimes so it's a crap shoot!

That sounds like Melbourne, those nutbags never know what's up with the weather. Lol.

Hi @galenkp, speaking of the photos I really like the first one for the texture of the water and sand. And the places, it's true, they change according to the season, the time of the day, the day of the week and our mood.

Best regards.

Pretty good for a couple shit photos huh? It's a great location, easy to photograph.

The location sure helps, it looks fantastic, but those pictures turned out great.

It’s true that that spot never disappoints; every time you bring us new photos, it seems like a different place. The sunsets are a marvel, a true privilege to experience those moments, the little pleasures that we sometimes forget and even better with a good company 🙂

P.S:The photos are incredible as always, Mate!

It's a good spot and pretty easy to take photos there. Nature gets all the credit.

Second after second the view is changing and it is very noticeable, life is the same, time is the most precious thing and you were able to capture very good moments. The photographs are wonderful, that sun that with its light changes the colours of the sky. Beautiful!

The sunsets are pretty good in Australia, of that there is no doubt.

I won't deny it at all, they are very beautiful and colourful!

I like the sun and warm weather along with the sandy beach and the sea.
What are the weather conditions like on that beach near where you live, when winter comes in Australia?
Is it a mild winter or is it chilly and cold? then the sea must not be this beautiful.

In winter the day temperature is between 10-20C with the average being around 17. Skies are blue around 70% of the time. At night it'll drop to 0-10C. Only part of Australia it does not snow like in some others.

Like in paradise🙂
It's only tricky when it's summer, so it gets close to 40°C 🥵

Up to 47C actually, was 42 yesterday. I don't like it much over 30 but have to live with it.

The photos are wonderful, walking on the beach never disappoints, it is an excellent activity

The beach is a nice place to relax and think and I really enjoy my time there after a long day at work or such things.

The scenes are beautiful, nature provides good photography options.
They are not shitty though, they are very cool pictures.

Thanks, nature provides a lot of value and should be respected and cared for, don't you think?

Of course, caring for nature ensures not only our own wellbeing but also that of generations yet to come.

The beauty of the beach is very extraordinary, with the sunset it is very amazing, my friend❤️

Amazing indeed.

I really enjoyed it my friend❤️

The beach never disappoint its a perfect reflection of what peace feels like, sharing that moment with some love just made everything unimaginable

For sure.

So nice view

Good view, yeah.

I am extremely amaze the place. Where we can witness the full version of sunset. Love this, thanks for updating.