It's not the same, but even my phone camera catches a great shot once in a while. I like it when it does that and wonder why they aren't all that good when I seem to do the same thing all the time. I do crop some though, once they are downloaded.
I've seen photos that you've included along the way and to my eyes, a LOT of them were good. I don't know what you are looking for or what your eyes see, but to me it seems you get some great shots.
I was so thankful when the digital abilities came in. I take a lot of photos of the same thing sometime to try to make sure I end up with at least one that is presentable. Then I can just delete the rest.
Thank you, I think some of my photos are ok also, but I certainly don't see myself as a good, or even average, photographer. I just muddle my way through and sometimes it works out. Digital photography is great right? So many failures for that one stupendously average shot...and those bad ones are deleted for ever!