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RE: More shitography

in Shit Photographylast month (edited)

I never loved camping. We could only afford a few vacations and that wasn't my idea of one.

Some couples we knew, invited me and the hubs for a week. I wasn't interested but the hubby was, so I agreed to go. Since it was not something we normally did (we had a few times for a weekend, but not many), there were some things we needed to gather in. I made a list of all the things I could think of we might need for a week. I asked the hubs to go over it in case there was something I didn't think of, but he didn't. He also didn't help get anything ready in any way. So... the week, was actually 9 days. We went, set up, greeted the others and then I got a book and enjoyed reading out in nature. I acted like I was on vacation. LOL... and enjoyed some boating and sail boarding, hiking, reading and eating sandwiches and chips and the such. My cousin, who was there too, felt bad for my hubby because I wasn't cooking up a bunch of vittles to feed him every day and invited him to breakfast which she cooked inside the kitchen of their camper. (we were in a nice tent) & (my hubby was a good cook and wasn't starving while I was on vacation) ha ha.... I was nice and social, but I was on vacation !

Because I had no help, not even a list "look over", that was my last time.

I know, That made me sound like a witch,


Camping isn't for everyone.

I've stayed in some of the best hotels one can find, cabins, villas and so on...but I love camping too, there's a certain freedom to it and I like the fact I have to be quite self room service and all.

Anyway, I reckon if you came camping with me you'd like it...I'll teach you some bushcraft and while I'm not good at telling jokes I can be a funny fucker.