Big Ol' Turd πŸ’©

in Shit Photography β€’ 5 months ago (edited)

LπŸ‘€k @ this P.O.S.

No not the foto. @pooky-jax took a pretty good action shot. That rolly polly lookin' dude playing in the dirt like a little kid is what I am talking about.

What a Turd! πŸ’©

--> HERE <-- if you feel like it. =^,,^=Actually this handsome man is me and I am building an outdoor catio for the neighbors who we recently helped to rescue a group of five kittens back in the spring. They are growing like weeds. Here is a couple action shots from earlier today. And you can read the rescue post that my @krazzy-kitty wrote from her kitty POV (point of view)

Kittens in Action Today

Thanks for taking a L😳😳K @ this poopy photo and tell me what you think. Handsome fella or big ol' turd..?

@krazzytrukker said that...

Keep on KrazzyTrukkin'

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Β 5 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Since you asked for an opinion I dare to give mine; a great job to a good purpose. I'm sure the cats are grateful.

Best regards @krazzytrukker

Thanks Bro !!

Just the kind of therapy I needed right now to heal the heart after the loss of a really cool cat.

And one of the kits I am building this for reminds me very much of our Daddy Tux (RIP)

Here she is...


"The neighbors named her "Shadow" cuz she is a Shy Lil' Cutie Tuxedo kitty
seen in the post gif shots

I can only tell you how sorry I am for the loss of Daddy Tux. The kitty looks very beautiful.

Look at you, getting shit done...and taking photos of shit getting done.

That's some good shit.

That is a straight up shitty reply to a shitty post.

But that is a good thing in this community. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³

The patio is coming out nicely man! It’s a lot of work but I find it a lot of fun to do stuff like this.

Best therapy ever.!!

I see some lines that are not quite straight on those pavers. Shit man, totally perfect for this shitography community. Lol.

You shoulda seen it before I straightened them somewhat. The neighbors nephew set them. I think he might have been drunk...

βœ“ out my notifications "G" !

Thazzzz a buncha turds... πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³

Lol, well straight is better than the other option in many aspects.

βœ“ this out also... I jumped on while taking a shade break from the catio project to let the sweat dry out of my eyes. And I see this.


Not complaining about the rewards.

But 6.66... πŸ‘Ώ WTF πŸ‘Ώ

666, the number of the beast. There's a message there I think.

Iron Maiden sure seemed to think so. What a great classic rock tune that is.