The sea dilutes everything.
(esto me nubló los ojos)
It is one of your texts that I liked the most, if not the most...
The photos are not bad, you should just, in some cases, straighten the horizon in editing.
And try not to use filters, only corrections of lights, highlights, shadows, contrasts... I'm not a great photographer, but here are some that in black and white would look wonderful.
The text is the result of improvisation to accompany some photos that I didn't quite know how to make the most of them...😂...and yes, you're right, I put too much blush on the lights and shadows, not counting the pirouettes I mounted to chase the birds and try to see the lines of my photos in front of the sun.... Horrible!!!
So please keep giving me those tips to believe I can improve my shots....😁.....My dear @nanixxx, first of all my apologies for this late reply, I've just been going through some shitty 15 days that don't amount to much.....
Thanks a lot, you are a sunshine.
Hope you are well my girl!!!