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RE: Seemed like a good idea...probably wasn't

in Shit Photography6 months ago

I don't really get what's shitty on the first picture. I think having the sunset in the middle looks nice, the road on the left adds depth to the picture, and having the road next to the greenery shows a good contrast of progress and nature. The road marker is the only bad one, but not something a little crop wouldn't fix.

I can imagine what you mean with a better vantage point in the second picture. For the third picture, the plant in the middle of the picture kind of blocks the full glory of the pool. Apart from that, you did a good job of having the other plants frame the pool perfectly.


I think a centralised road in the first image might have looked better, or maybe I should have applied the rule of thirds a little more effectively in respect of the framing rather than having the road running down the extreme left side. Too late now though. I'm not too concerned, clearly, as if I was I'd not have put the image on this post. It is what it is and my life will go on regardless.