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RE: The Demise Of USD As The Reserve Currency?

in Threespeak4 years ago

Basically blockchain and crypto will only add up on current currency. Yes, it makes sense as central banks will not give up on their currency too easily, especially in the US. In regards of €, since it has gone live and replaced the DM and other national currencies it has mostly reduced the purchasing power on these nations. From what I talked with the Germans they were way better before they were introduced to the euro.

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The EURO was a total failure in my opinion. It was set up to benefit the Germans, basically at the expense of everyone else. Interesting that they were screwed too in the process.

Although I would make the case that was more than just a currency situation that caused that. The entire Eurozone concept was flawed from the beginning.

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I'd say the Germans were affected the worst. At first it was supposed that one euro would be the equivalent with two DM. All nice and well until they ate all the DMs out of the market and then gradually the prices started going up while the salaries have stayed pretty much the same, hence the purchasing power of the Germans got sliced in big chunks. Greece was also highly affected when they entered euro zone. If Romania will do the same we're screwed. I doubt it will do that soon because the minimum wage in here expressed in euros would sound really pathetic: 300...

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