I've watched the video this morning on lbry and I haven't managed to leave a comment yet :-).
You point out something very true about human nature: There is a certain resitance to change. When we get a certain part of the pie, we just don't want that things change. It's the same throughout the world. People in power or at the good end of the economic side, will do everything that it remains like that and worse they will do everything possible to make sure that their part of the pie grows....
It's a difficult concept for people to grast that if other thrive it will be good for us as well, even if our part of the pie decreases...
Yes... that bothers me a lot... But, it bothers me even more when I see these things here on the blockchain! Like, WTH?! We want to make a big change, but trying to follow the same rotten rules from the outside...
We have to create new view of the things, and embrace them... Then we will change somethings.. without that, we will integrate the same bad things in this awesome new opportunity...
We need a shift in paradigm and the courage to go for something new. It's a long and frustrating path to reach that but at least we have this option to bring up something better.