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RE: Let's Get Started

in Threespeak4 years ago

Yeah, agree. I'm not sure how implementing it into the system would work though. Wonder how many posts it would take to capture that amount of data ol Marky has in his list.

I mean it could become time intensive if one would have to query multiple post bodies but would probably cost a helluva lot less. Just would require the chain to be used which I thought would be something we would have wanted.

But using posts we would lose the ability to use other orgs blacklists so I do see that as a benefit to what Marky has done with this global version even if it is over funded. Not sure how that could be done on chain. Questions of management and centralization / decentralization come to mind.


Yeah MANAGEMENT.. a solid point.

I don't know how it could be done either but then that's what leads me to conclude that blockchain isn't anything special really. Well it is (as potential) but as it is currently there is so much that it CAN'T DO so then it's silly to celebrate is as

"WOW Web3.0! ready to take over mainstream so go out and onboard everyone"

That's getting a little excited and is actually counterproductive because if it's not finished then maybe that's why so many that come and see don't end up staying long term. That illusive SMT would be my focus if I had ability to further the code.