You can't, any more than you can stop spam or plagiarism. You can make it more difficult however. I am sure there are a lot of second and third and forth accounts doing just that. Just as there are multiple accounts supporting their other accounts that support their plagiarism and spam accounts.
All we can do is make it more difficult. When it comes to GREED there is no control methods that are 100%. We can throw up our hands and ignore it or try to decrease it by making it more difficult.
Yes I know it could all be automated, but people do lose keys all the time, people do get hacked on a regular basis, if Governments around the world can not stop hackers to think that an individual is safe from them is foolhardy. To pretend that the keys to an account are safe is also just as fool hardy unless they are written down on paper and stored in a bomb and fire proof safe. Even then they are not safe if you lose the key or the combination to the safe.