I didn't know about the microblogging feature and it is pretty great what dynamics can bring to the site. Engagement should spice up the ads income, could improve ranking and will surely drive in new users. I view a great business one that succeeds to build layer after layer on top of the core system and expands the revenue to the max.
Your tease just motivates me to keep on staking and I think that others should do the same!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Amen to that! I've been doing it for almost three years now and have no intention to stop. This is the only way of growing.
Chain reaction, I couldn't have said it better!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well said @erikah.
Just want to let you know that somebody siting down under, in the middle of noman's land is thinking exactly the same. Exactly.
Here comes my big UP
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you! Together we build the future! Sounds like a cheap slogan but it's true.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep it all feeds into itself, growing at each level. When things are interconnected, or layered if you will, an improvement in one areas means something else should also be improved.
You mention the ads, that is one example but a prime one. More clicks means more revenue. This creates other possibilities.
The important thing is to have quality here when people do arrive. We are seeing people doing their part to make this place strong. That will help to feed into others arriving here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta