Ep 09 - Kelly Starrett - Biohacking Mobility and Biomechanics

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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In today’s interview I sit down with Kelley Starrett of Mobility WOD. Kelley is one of the top CrossFit coaches in the world and as another CrossFit gym owner said recently in a conversation we had in a hot tub; he is a mobility and biomechanics God. Kelley’s clients include Olympic gold-medalists, Tour de France cyclists, world and national record holders in Olympic lifting and power athletes, Crossfit Games medalists, ballet dancers and elite military personnel.

One of the coolest things about Kelley is that he is in the trenches every day testing, refining, tweaking and optimizing his approaches to get you the best results. So if you are someone that’s dealing with any type of pains, aches, tightness and stiffness or if you just want to make sure that you are doing things necessary to improve your biomechanics, your posture, activating the transverse abdominis, breaking up fascia and knots within the body that can interfere with optimal muscle recruitment and strength, then you’re gonna wanna listen to today’s interview.

Kelley has competed on a world class level in kayaking and rowing. He shares how by implementing some of these strategies in his systems, he is now performing better in his forties than he did in his twenties. If you have ever been sidelined by an injury and had to stop training for anywhere from six to eight weeks plus, you know how frustrating that can be and behind those injuries there is almost always some degree of compromise mobility, flexibility or biomechanics.

In today’s interview Kelley and I talk about ways that you can diagnose those potential problems and even more importantly how to fix them. So, without further ado please sit back, relax and enjoy my conversation with Kelley Starret.

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