EP 108 - Biohacking Diabesity for a Lower Body Weight Set Point with Jonathan Bailor

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In this episode, I sit down with Jonathan Bailor, who pioneered the field of Wellness Engineering and is the founder and CEO of the worlds fastest growing permanent weight loss and diabesity treatment company, SANESolution. He authored the New York Times bestseller The Calorie Myth, has registered over 26 patents, has spoken at Fortune 100 companies and TED conferences for over a decade and served as a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, where he helped create Nike Kinect Training and Xbox Fitness. His work has been endorsed and implemented by top doctors from Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and UCLA. A summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of DePauw University, Bailor lives outside Seattle with his wife, Angela, and daughter Aavia. More at SANESolution.com.

Learn more at https://sanesolution.com/

Diabesity MiniSeries: https://diabesityseries.com/join/

Links to items discussed in the podcast:

The Calorie Myth (book): https://www.amazon.com/Calorie-Myth-Exercise-Weight-Better-ebook/dp/B00Q33ZRUQ

The Setpoint Diet (book): http://bestbiohacks.com/setpoint

Wherever You Go, There You Are (book): https://www.amazon.com/Wherever-You-There-Are-Mindfulness/dp/1401307787

Find a sensory deprivation tank near you: https://floatationlocations.com/

Vitamix Blender: https://www.amazon.com/d/Countertop-Blenders/Vitamix-Blender-Professional-Grade-Container-Black/B008H4SLV6

The Matrix Movie: https://www.amazon.com/Matrix-Keanu-Reeves/dp/B001XVD2Z0

The Courage To Be Disliked Book: https://www.amazon.com/Courage-Be-Disliked-Phenomenon-Happiness/dp/1501197274

SANESolution Products: https://store.sanesolution.com/

Whey Protein Powder: https://store.sanesolution.com/products/whey-protein-ndp

Cashew Meal Bear: https://store.sanesolution.com/products/vanilla-almond-meal-bar

Costco Power Greens: https://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/Power-Greens-Organic%2C-1.5-lbs.product.11937285.html

Study on exercise being more effective than SSRI's: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10547175

Here’s where you can grab your copy of our free book The Biohacker’s Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus (just help with shipping) https://biohackersguide.com/biohackers-guide-free.

Learn more about the #1 High Performance Coaching Program in the world and have Anthony personally help you get in the best shape of your life, double your energy, and live in a state of optimal performance www.biohackingsecrets.com/coaching

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