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RE: Brian reads the Crypto Class Action in Australia Judgement of Prima Facie case June 2022

in Threespeak2 years ago

Not sure what doc you're referring to, we have absolutely everything squirrelled away. Epic vs Apple and Google in Australia is a case using a similar part of the law to the one we're using. That is set for a huge trial next year. They've been exchanging documents and expert opinions for months now.


Yes I get that. The link on your court doc giving the go ahead to serve - the link to the Google case is broken - 404.

So best to keep hard-copies is what I'm trying to suggest. Good that you are.

I'm quite swamped here and there is a LOT of info over there that I'm busy looking into - personal interest (as well now) and I do like to dig around and understand what's what.

I'll be going through it slowly over the next while.

I'm understanding that the docs listed on the Judgement giving leave to serve still need to be served to parties and that they then have a specific time to respond... so your next appearance will only be in some time (theoretically)?

Getting this done, 20 days (?) to respond and a court date etc.

This means I have time to get up to speed properly. Haven't done much reading yet as am not well right now but I'm seeing the issues of legalities (court locations as well as specific country laws etc) and the internet (obviously) first off.

This is super interesting and still relatively new, yeah? So I'm busy getting more au fait with the Hague Convention right now. I didn't know that this was in place for services etc as well until only yesterday actually.

Then on to Australian law.

I enjoyed your video and the way you speak, btw. I'm just rather impatient and I skim parts and then dash off to research what I don't understand etc. And often then get sidetracked with more points of interest.

It's not you. It's me.

Hague Convention was truly a side issue, during Covid some aspects of it were sidelined but by the time our leave to serve was granted we just used it: basically you upload your docs to a process server in the US, pay a few hundred dollars and they print it all out and dump it at Meta and Google's offices.

All this stuff happened last summer. We then had a back and forth exchange of documents up to Christmas (with an emergency court appearance along the way to have a disagreement over confidentiality sorted out by the judge). We then had our hearing at the start of Feb and now we wait for the Judgement from that which could take weeks or months.

All will be quiet till then.

Thanks for that. What a ride.


basically you upload your docs to a process server in the US, pay a few hundred dollars and they print it all out and dump it at Meta and Google's offices

That's nuts! And marvelous!

I'll meander along and see if I can catch up in time for the Judgement then (or the next round).

I don't believe it'll be that simple. Seems like they have a lot to lose so...

but perhaps I'm jaded. (which would be nice in this instance, actually!)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :D