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RE: SOP For Community-Driven Identification of Dangerous Persons

in Threespeak3 years ago

The subjective way of blacklisting people may not be a good idea, since it can be used for censorship of ideas. Fans of a platform may downvote people who bring up problems concerning the interface, like security issues and such, resulting in broken system.

Or people who bring up issues about certain genetic experiments or social credit systems might be considered dangerous etc. The governments have used pedophilia as a scapegoat for surveillance and censorship for a long time, it might happen in blockchains too.

There is no reason to give up freedoms for the sake of perceived security, especially at these times of dualism and strong narratives by totalitarian medias and governments. First it is the pedos, then it can be anything.

Personal responsibility and understanding freedom is really taken a toll. Tere are already some bots spamming warnings about content a few people are not fond of, which takes away the enjoyment of sharing information.


With this in mind, 3Speak champions:
Innocent until proven guilty
Community driven censorship resistance
A clean slate once a fellon has done their time

So now we need to track the criminal records of the users of this platform?

Do you not see how that is a problem?

I see a problem with someone thinking you'd have to search criminal records of all users when this is about KNOWN dangerous persons. The example given of a pedophile that is known, would be based on public info, or perhaps previous flagged posts, etc. I see that problem someone isn't thinking much about the OP and just grasping straws in order to complain while not offering any real substance to the issue/task/question at hand. No go troll elsewhere. Thanks.

Maybe think past your straws and read the OP while paying attention to context. No one said there was a need for background checks on users. Thanks.

Flagging pedos or downvoting objectively dangerous postings isn't the same as social credit systems. First its pedos then it can be anything? Really? So if we stop a pedo from luring and grooming kids or not even that, downvote them, then ANYTHING could be No, anything could not be next. That is some gross ass rationalizing you tried there. Some bots commenting sure the fuck can be annoying, but people using the community to commit horrific acts is, whats the words...way worse. Those bots I assume you mentioned are the bots flagging plagerized material. Or the one's like gangstalker who keep buggin everyone about some stupid conspiracy theory.

Nah... nah... you see.... censorship is only a problem when government does it.
We are the Good Guy Squad, we can't do anything wrong. Unlike the government...

Cos not giving a pedophile or violent extremist a platform is censorship? LOL. The Hive communtiy owes no one a soap box. Flagging a known and confirmed pedophile is not censorship, downvoting is not censorship. Pedophilia and pushing for violence are not covered by freedom of speech, legally and ethically. If that's your bag, you need to go some place else.