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RE: Brawl results: purchasing 5 Gladius cases. pulled Quora Towershead and five rare cards.

in Threespeaklast year

5 gladius packs wow. I think you get at least 2 packs worth of merit each time you brawl. 6056 Merit is quite good in my opinion. This time my team was at fifth position so we got only 1700 merits. Quora is also my favorite card. I really like playing with this card. I use Quora for Rank Battle. However in guild battles I use both Katrelba gobson and Quora a lot as they both win me almost my battles.


I got 3 packs worth merits from Brawl and 2 packs worth from daily focus chest. Quora Towershead is an epic card, but the ability that we get from it seems like it's a legendary card. Hope with the end of this year, there will be plenty of Gladius cardin my card collection.