3 different ways to wear a turban

in Threespeak3 months ago

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Hello dear friends of Hive, I hope you have a good day, as I have expressed at some point for me it is a privilege to share with you what I do and to appreciate your wonderful work and to be part of this creative environment.

This time I am pleased to show you one of the hairstyles that I use almost daily due to its complexity and ease of realization, the hairstyle is not usual to wear in my country because in the culture it is not usual for a woman to wear this kind of accessories, but even so I love to wear it and I think it adds style to each garment, the hairstyle consists of a turban and a ponytail.

Hola estimados amigos de Hive, espero que tengan un buen día, como lo he expresado en algún momento para mí es un privilegio poder compartir con ustedes lo que hago y poder apreciar sus maravillosos trabajos y poder ser parte de este entorno creativo.

En esta ocasión me complace mostrarles uno de los peinados que yo uso casi diariamente dado a su complejidad y facilidad de realización, el peinado no es usual llevarlo en mi país dado que en la cultura no es usual que una mujer lleve esta clase de accesorios, pero aun así a mí me encanta llevarlo y me parece que le aporta estilo a cada prenda de vestir, el peinado está conformado por un turbante y una coleta.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-18 at 9.43.39 PM.jpeg

Next, you can see in the video that with the ponytail the hair is gathered in a bun, either high or low and then the hair is surrounded with the turban, you can play with the ways of placing it, the important thing is that it is well elaborated so that it is not damaged during the day.

A continuación, se podrá apreciar en el video que con la coleta se recoge el cabello con un moño, bien sea alto o bajo y luego se rodea el cabello con el turbante, se puede jugar con las formas de colocarlo lo importante es que quede bien elaborado para que no se dañe durante el día.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-18 at 9.02.42 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-18 at 9.02.42 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-18 at 9.04.51 PM.jpeg

As the hairstyle is covering all our hair does not allow the sun, plus it helps the hair to last longer untangled.

Thank you for your attention, don't forget that you can leave your comments and I will be glad to read them and answer you all.

Al estar el peinado cubriendo todo nuestro cabello no permite que el sol, además de que ayuda a que el cabello dure más tiempo desenredado.

Gracias por su atención, no olviden que pueden dejar su comentario que con mucho gusto lo estaré leyendo y respondiendo un abrazo fuerte a todas y todos.


  • Translator: Deepl
  • Main image: Canvas
  • Video editing: CapCut
  • Background sound: CapCut Music Library (Pop beat BGM)


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You’re styles are cute hope to see more styles to learn and improve on

Thank you so much it really means a lot to me.

This is certainly quite a dynamic job, it is noticeable that you have a lot of talent for these things.

Hope you can share much more on the blockchain. best regards!

I am really pleased to be able to share what I like and appreciate all your talents

I liked all the ways you showed. Nice job indeed. I'll try them myself.

Thank you very much friend, dignify a lot for me.

Que hermosos mi niña luces fantástica con los tres , mi favorito el segundo

Muchas gracias de verdad 🤗me da mucho gusto que le gustará.

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