IF you win (which you 98% wont) fair and square with no mail in ballots, no voter fraud I think America will accept it. If you win and mail in ballots were found to be fraud (and they 100% will be) "Trumpism" will battle to the death in our streets. Believe me, you don't want that smoke from us, we have lots of guns and even more ammo. You can't win fair and square and you know it....you cheated last time.....and you have a tree stump candidate who will be switched soon further sending you down the drain. Way more people than you realize love Trump...you will see. Again thanks for telling some truth in this one. Your news is ok man even though i don't like your thoughts....but i will never tolerate when you tell lies, fabricate or embellish the truth here.
And dont give me the "we play fair" bullshit. The Supreme Court told you to blow it out your ass today 9-0 which NEVER HAPPENS. Your party has to cheat, play angles and manipulate the law to win. Even the 9-0 SCOTUS judges think your party leaders are wacko for even sending a case like this (electoral collage) to them.
What are you babbling on about?....that 9-0 SC judgement was in favor of not letting rogue electors go off voting for whomever they want despite what their states chose....that's the way it should be, it isn't up to any one person to change the decision of an entire state.
If Democrats win the Senate, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if SCOTUS gets expanded to 11 seats. Nothing in the Constitution defines it as having 9 members.
Defeating Trumpism....you people are so weird with your terminologies. Would that be like what's happening now with decades old friends blocking you from their social media accounts because they don't like losing an a debate when you confront them with the truth. People in this country aren't going to tolerate being banish without a voice which is what a lot of them tend to be doing. It's like you guys are deaf to the truth. Twice this week already I've seen articles on hydroxychloroquine as having not been proven to work yet Henry Ford Hospital just completed a study that proves it does. How many people have you guys killed by your disgust of anything Trump has to say by denying what the worlds most renown virologist has been saying from the beginning and Trump reiterated? You see it's not going to work out that way for you....you don't get to kill people nor do you get to shut them up to fit your agenda...Americans are way to smart for all that and every time you guys get caught red handed lying to people is just going to make it all the harder on yourselves.
IF you win (which you 98% wont) fair and square with no mail in ballots, no voter fraud I think America will accept it. If you win and mail in ballots were found to be fraud (and they 100% will be) "Trumpism" will battle to the death in our streets. Believe me, you don't want that smoke from us, we have lots of guns and even more ammo. You can't win fair and square and you know it....you cheated last time.....and you have a tree stump candidate who will be switched soon further sending you down the drain. Way more people than you realize love Trump...you will see. Again thanks for telling some truth in this one. Your news is ok man even though i don't like your thoughts....but i will never tolerate when you tell lies, fabricate or embellish the truth here.
And dont give me the "we play fair" bullshit. The Supreme Court told you to blow it out your ass today 9-0 which NEVER HAPPENS. Your party has to cheat, play angles and manipulate the law to win. Even the 9-0 SCOTUS judges think your party leaders are wacko for even sending a case like this (electoral collage) to them.
What are you babbling on about?....that 9-0 SC judgement was in favor of not letting rogue electors go off voting for whomever they want despite what their states chose....that's the way it should be, it isn't up to any one person to change the decision of an entire state.
If Democrats win the Senate, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if SCOTUS gets expanded to 11 seats. Nothing in the Constitution defines it as having 9 members.
Defeating Trumpism....you people are so weird with your terminologies. Would that be like what's happening now with decades old friends blocking you from their social media accounts because they don't like losing an a debate when you confront them with the truth. People in this country aren't going to tolerate being banish without a voice which is what a lot of them tend to be doing. It's like you guys are deaf to the truth. Twice this week already I've seen articles on hydroxychloroquine as having not been proven to work yet Henry Ford Hospital just completed a study that proves it does. How many people have you guys killed by your disgust of anything Trump has to say by denying what the worlds most renown virologist has been saying from the beginning and Trump reiterated? You see it's not going to work out that way for you....you don't get to kill people nor do you get to shut them up to fit your agenda...Americans are way to smart for all that and every time you guys get caught red handed lying to people is just going to make it all the harder on yourselves.