New Zealand and Australia: The Police State Goes Live

in Threespeak5 years ago

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New Zealand and Australia: The Police State Goes Live

Derrick Broze breaks down a number of disturbing stories coming out of Australia and New Zealand involving police violence and violations of civil liberties.

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It doesn't even matter why governments are imposing tyranny absent foreign military attack. It only matters that they're imposing tyranny. Any reason tyrants propose to criminally degrade the sovereign rights of people is a lie. It's nothing but an excuse to commit criminal predatory assaults increasing the wealth and power of institutions and their overlords by taking the wealth and power of free people, leaving them abject slaves.

This is why Americans rebelled against King George III and exactly why the Constitution specifies that personal arms are so sacred the right to have and carry them can't even have the fringe around them restricted by law.

This utterly necessary power of free people has been infringed on in America, and it has all but been eliminated in Australia and the rest of the West. It's been a few decades since foreign enemies with military arms have invaded European nations, and neither Australia or America have been invaded at all, but our personal safety is absolutely dependent on having arms nominal to defend it. Our enemies are armed.

The Australian and New Zealand governments have been subverted and become a foreign enemy of the people - and the people have no means to defend themselves. Now that the reason to defend themselves has invaded Australia, they will die in droves because their enemies are armed.

I have heard many Aussies and Kiwis complain that corrupt government agents have sold off public assets to China, and suddenly totalitarian despotism exemplified by Chinese Communism is being imposed there. I reckon they should consider this tyranny a Chinese invasion by proxy, with cops and military forces acting as mercenaries paid by China to conquer them.

I also believe it's coming to America.

Strap up and stand up to tyranny. Keep your children free, or China will claim the authority to strip the organs from their living bodies to sell to party dignitaries. What's been done to Uighurs and Falun Gong by China will pale compared to what they will do to white slaves, because no one anywhere is more racist than China. The history of torture and brutality has been written by China, and the lack of humane treatment of livestock and conquered people there is, and has always been, the most egregious in the world.

History shows what to expect. Millions are going to die. Not from the virus, but from fascism now being imposed all around the world, just like it was in China, Russia, Germany, Cambodia - everywhere there's been mass starvation, pogroms, purges, and gulags is a model for what is being imposed now in Australia, New Zealand, and soon in America and Europe.

Only you, me, and our children stand between that horror and the freedom our fathers provided us.

Now is the day we stand between our sons and daughters and death and destruction. Now is why they have parents that love them. The ravening beast of institutional slavery stalks our precious posterity, and it's time to hang it's head on our wall, to star in the war stories we will tell our grandchildren.

They're coming for your kids.

Stop them.

American covidiot keep your mental retardation in your shithole country. Kill yourself

Do you refer to people that don't agree with government over reach as "idiots"? That's pretty awesome of you.

thanks for the brilliant commentary!