On Authenticity, Exposing Mormon Crimes & HBO's The Anarchists

in Threespeak3 years ago

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Derrick Broze is back for another walk and talk sharing about the importance of authenticity, his latest investigation on Mormon sexual abuse, and his thoughts on HBO's The Anarchists documentary series.

Sources: https://theconsciousresistance.com/walk2/

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good vid, you made some interesting and valid points. i did not even realize any of this stuff was even happening. its good to see others point of view in all of this.

I've rarely had the privilege of participating in discussion with a person more understanding of our fellows, and so noble that even those that disparage them are extolled for their good works, as you demonstrate in the OP, and have as long as I've known of you. While you are not unaffected by other's slights and malignant behaviour, as you are suffering here, today, you inevitably rise above such foolish and harmful behaviour yourself, hoping but that such people might also do some good for someone, even if only by accident.

I just was struck by this about your nature, recalling your comments here about Jeff Berwick, and how you characterize them and your relationship. You clearly walk your talk, devote yourself to the betterment of humanity, and despite your own imperfections properly undertake humility that is the strong foundation of wisdom.

I want to thank you for providing a sound and powerful example to all of us of humility and grace. Though you suffer the slings and arrows of approbrium far more than any I know, you exemplify better than any of us how to be a good and beneficial pillar of your communities. So...


pieces of shit @themarkymark @usainvote downvoting for no reason. You and the other idiots are why this platform has been killed and all the popular content creators no longer bother posting.

You can thank your benefactor Xeldal. And you use the word popular yet I don’t think you know what that means.

many of the most popular content creators - with huge reach outside of Hive - stopped posting because of these silly games. Why not work with them rather than disparaging them?

Hive could have been so much bigger and better.

It doesn't mean obsequious, fyi.