What is the difference between Hivesigner and Hive Keychain?
If you join Web 3.0 with the Hive social media blockchain then you need to know what these two things are and how to use them.
- I explain the difference between them
- what they do
- why they are important
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These two lists are what I need to build a streaming pc. The main parts are available on Amazon while there are 3 items that are cheaper at Newegg. The total build is currently coming in at ;$912 as of 10/01/21.
I can make do for now with what I have. But it isnt easy and very unreliable equipment. This build would be the first "new" computer I've ever had.
I dont expect anybody to help me with this but if you can it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you if you can.
▶️ 3Speak
This was awesome! I found it on the Tube but had to go show it some love over here. Good stuff! Thanks for clarity. Does this info still stand? It is a little "seasoned" at this point lol