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RE: Life Talk Video Series - 001

in Threespeak3 years ago

I am so glad i watched this because I do have questions! I was so busy and tired yesterday I could not follow up. It is an honor to meet you Michaela and I admire your achievementss. My questions might sound odd but It is an occurrence in my daily life and I can't help but ask.

You talked about learning as opposed to finding yourself. You are an actress obviously and you like to talk to people. You also made the statement of how we do not find ourselves worthy of a lot of things sometimes. I know you also talked about just doing it but, with someone who is here right now, altering her path and being what or who she wants, how do you not get lost?

Let me come clearer. I like to read books and learn new things but I always feel that there is a lot to cover in terms of achieving what I want. I find myself wanting to do things and be things that sometimes I feel like there is a clash and I cannot find exactly who I am, what I am doing or where I am going. This has always been my dilemma. I have a vision but that's it! I cannot clearly define my purpose if asked so how did you know what you wanted?

Well you also talked about how our loved ones can set us on a course but what if they aren't enough? I mean you want to give them a good life and all but they do not point to that path. I am sorry. I may not be making any sense I just have a lot of questions. I have always looked forward to things like this and I get excited at hearing people talk about their walk.

I was raised by a single mom too who is led by fear and she doesn't know it. Her life wasn't easy growing up and even now. She looks upto me for most decisions and that can be really overwhelming. So hence the question above. Sometimes, our loved ones are not enough.

I hope I did not just babble. My mind was thrown into a frenzy after I finished watching and thank you so much @acgalarza for this project. It means a lot to myself.