
$PIZZA@psyberx! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @dibblers.dabs.

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Since doing some more research on this I am hesitant about my previous endorsement. I am adding this additional comment to encourage everyone to check into things before you dive in and buy up a bunch of LVL tokens. I bought 150k and sold already after digging in.

Don't get me wrong the trailer looks great! But I don't see much actual gameplay footage here and there isn't much clarity about how the game will be structured or how it will play.

The team is shilling NFTs and LVL tokens to drive sales- but it seems like a lot of those sales are being used to fund further advertisement more than development. That has me concerned- as does a closed/failed kickstarter campaign.

I may miss the boat on this one- and by all means please prove me wrong... but I would rather see evidence of development and concrete details of what the intended game will be before I jump back in.