Should you agree to chemical test

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Should you agree to a chemical test? This is a tough question to answer. The reason it's a tough question to answer is because you stand to lose your license for a slightly longer period of time if you refuse. If you refuse a test, you have to wait a period of sixty days before you can get a restricted license that will allow you to get back on the road. While if you agree to a chemical test, you'll only have to wait thirty days before you're allowed to get your restricted license.

In addition, you'll also be without a regular driver's license for a lot longer. That said, you improve your chance of beating a DUI in court if you don't agree to a chemical test. If you've been drinking, a chemical test will likely reflect that you've been drinking. So by agreeing to a chemical test, you're essentially helping the government to convict you of DUI. You're giving them more evidence than they might have otherwise.

It's not your job to help the prosecution get a conviction. So my opinion is that you're better off refusing a chemical test. Of course, there would be an exception if you hadn't had anything to drink, in which case you should opt for a blood test. If you've been charged with a DUI, don't go at it alone. Call us at the number listed below or the website.


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