Ok, well that was was a pretty shallow remark talking about giveing and taking and shoving stuff up people's ass. But I respect it. I agree not all users or most are shallow but each person has their own experience on Hive. I have found a lot, just like in real life, to be dismissive and quick to judge if you go against the pro science/ pro government agendas. Been told by several notable curators in the past and recently about how all Americans are stupid or content gets downvoted because they do not like well cited material only want food posts. Heck, in a curation group yesterday they were saying they only wanted food posts. But I digress, I have been around long enough to know there is a lot going on and it can be easy to see the negative and hard to see the positive just like I mentioned in this post.
I was not looking for your upvote but just saying thanks for the conversation the other day. I appreciate your time and energy here nonetheless.
No dude. Not shallow at all. I was watching your video, upvoted, then you said there's no free speech on Hive, so obviously I'm not interested in supporting that message, so I removed my vote and learned a lesson. 'Finish consuming before voting.'
And if a group forms and only wants to support food posts, that's because they're interested in food posts, and want to support them. This is normal. You can't force a Dodge lover to buy Ford trucks.
If you actually learned something from anything I said, you'd not be focused on what other curators want to support or how they feel, you'd be trying to attract those who share the same values. People are under no obligation to support things they don't like. Content creators should not be expecting to earn just for showing up. Even in your video you mentioned how you'll start a community then "hopefully some whales vote for it", which tells me you didn't understand what I was talking about, or I failed to communicate clearly. Either way, your success is not up to anyone else but you. It's not a failure if 'whales' don't support it. A whale is just one human. No different than a minnow. These labels are meaningless. What I was telling you is you're free to act and bring in support. If someone here doesn't support something, that means there's no interest, but we're not living inside of a bubble here, and people are free to bring support with them. Wrote a post yesterday talking about some of this.
It's not shallow to tell someone being arrogant and obnoxious to shove it up their ass. They need that honesty in their lives. Without it they stand no chance of improving.
Several? Name them. I'd rather hear the specifics rather than seeing everyone get thrown under the bus just because someone out there sees things differently or disagrees with you.
Oh really I said no free speech? No I am sure I said free speech is not accepted on Hive. I should had clarified and brought up @guiltyparties post on Hive's official fediverse and how he feels that free speech is not something he feels should be monetized. Which I can respect but dude manages hivewatchers and Hive's offical fediverse portal no? While free speech content is being demonetized?
I think you are reading too much into parts what I said and ignoring the rest of what I did say. I can see how you think I might be implying curators need to do this. But not at all what I am saying. It is just people are told not to talk about politics and instead talk about food for support on posts in discord groups.
Do you really think that is encouraging positive engagement or a way to illicit a constructive conversation to prove your point? I do not know, I think it is pretty shallow to just tell someone, especially a new user navigating Hive and digesting content while figuring out what type of content they want to make, to shove anything up their ass but it is cool not saying you shouldn't do that but I only expect more types of aggressive rhetoric from you. Just He is seeing stuff from people he feels is shallow. Its his experience and you want to say his experience is ignorant while telling him shove it up his ass lol.
Not everyone like I said several in the past and recently, not all or everyone. They know who they are and I left their groups because of their comments. I do not see how calling out individuals, especially with someone who wants to shove things up people's asses will be be productive if you want to act like some kind of mediator.🤣
And that's what I disagreed with, so removed my vote, since the claim is inaccurate. You mentioned one individual (@guiltyparties) and their view, a view which could be taken out of context or spun, and used that to make the claim ALL of Hive agrees, or assumed that individual is Hive. Therefore I now feel far more confident in my decision to disagree with your claim and remove the vote than I was initially. Thank you for helping clear that up.
If that's how people want to talk and if that message is what people want to believe, then it's those people that have to live with it. No need to pay attention to gossip on discord and allow that gossip to make your decisions for you.
And I was quite specific. That user going around saying 'most people are on Hive are shallow' can shove that arrogance up his ass. No complaints about anything else. They probably won't get far here walking around with their nose up in the air like that but okay. Should be common sense but they can find out the hard way if that part about life somehow managed to elude them this far into the game. I'm not here to babysit.
But it could be, anyone. By not being specific, you're painting them all with a broad brush. Your message is, 'Curators think this way.' And of course that's inaccurate.
Sorry if I come across as someone busting your balls. That's not my intention. I just lose my patience once my BS detector goes off. It's nothing personal.
I don't know why I'm coming up here in relation to free speech. "Free speech" = not censored based on topic. Hive is pro free speech. Hive is not pro plagiarism and taking someone else's free speech to monetize it. That's not free speech; that is theft. No one is mandated to be paid for reposting someone else's hard work or creating a botnet. We all agree on that.
I manage the Spaminator bot which I took over due to everyone else who managed it previously retiring from the role. It's a very technical matter so it's not easy to find anyone else to replace. I also manage the fediverse portal and a few other things as they're technical. There's a seed and a full Hive API. Those are likewise technical and require financial investment. Spaminator = instances on two servers. Fediverse = one instance. Other comms = one server. Seed = one server. API = one server. Those add up, they require monitoring, financing, managing, responsibility. Same with partnerships, some exchanges I work with to list HIVE, various pieces of documentation, some marketing, community projects, social media, etc. This has nothing to do with free speech but with the fact that I'm a free man. I don't have to report at 9am and clock out 5pm. I have the ability to allocate my time as I see fit and I allocate a good portion of it to Hive for everyone's benefit. That's the simple explanation. It has nothing to do with the content of some post here or there.
I dunno man. Wasn't me throwing you under the bus. Am noticing this individual I attempted to communicate with has a habit of twisting things, so of course it's frustrating. Probably a waste of my ability to speak freely...
Thanks for clearing that up though. Had a hunch things were being spun or taken out of context.
we...Who is we again @guiltyparties? You make it very clear that
This why you were brought up. After going to the fediverse I found you expressing your antivax views in the Hive offical fediverse portal. Seemed like a place for you to rant about science deniers and not trying to onboard people to hive where we get extrinsic rewards which become expected.
Hi. I think you've called the wrong number. The one you're referring to as 'you', is not me. At a glance it appears some basic reading comprehension skills would go a long way and help provide the answers you seek from the individual you're speaking to; an individual who just so happens to not be me. How strange it is; I've already solved the puzzle yet I'm not even the one invited to play the game.