In response @kennyskitchen working with the $antivax token people on The BSC smart chain to provide support to people who have lost their jobs/careers to Vaccine requirements that are being put forth by Government officials and not their constituents, I am making this post. I have been affected by the vaccine requirements/mandates. I can no longer work in my career due to these requirements. My aim with this post is to make public my struggle and not to seek donations, though I wouldn't mind holding some Antivax tokens as I appreciate their cause. I just want to share my story publicly and hopefully help others come forward with their story as well.

How is it we made such a hard U-turn in the MY BODY MY RIGHTS movement? I think a decision you and your doctor makes should not be super-seceded by a government that is ran by special interest groups whose main aim is to profit or discriminate against off of the average citizen.
Being able to make our own decisions about our health, body and sexual life is a basic human right.
Whoever you are, wherever you live, you have the right to make these choices without fear, violence or discrimination.
Yet all over the world, people are bullied, discriminated against and arrested, simply for making choices about their bodies and their lives.
A woman is refused contraception because she doesn’t have her husband’s permission. A teenager is denied a life-saving termination because abortion is illegal in her country. A man is harassed by police because he’s gay.
My Body My Rights is Amnesty’s global campaign to stop the control and criminalization of sexuality and reproduction.
Join us in defending sexual and reproductive rights for all.
It’s your body. Know your rights.
I am not able to continue my career as a Union Stagehand because of Vaccine requirements. I recently received a text message from my employer Encore Event Productions stating that I need a Vaccine to work. Never before in my 18 years of being a Union Member have I ever needed to provide proof of vaccination.

- Yes, I could had handled this text better but I do feel discriminated against and that my body my choice applies to my job especially when no other vaccine is required but the covid vaccine to work.
Recently, I have been diagnosed with PTSD. A recent legal battle with my Union and Employer did not help my PTSD condition and in fact I was diagnosed with PTSD after my recent legal battle with them. I felt their vaccine requirement was a side step to avoid working me.

I have neurological damage from this condition which is exasperated by wearing a mask that cuts off my oxygen. Fears of adverse reactions from taking a vaccine shot that I have been advised not to get from my doctor(s) also does not help my neurological condition. I also spent many months in the hospital as a child from taking the MMR(Measles, Mumps and Rubella) shot. I have a life long allergy to MSG now due to the MMR shot I received in 1990. I do not have the paperwork from being apart of clinical trials as a child from adverse reactions from the MMR vaccine as the hospitals do not keep records past 6-7 years in the USA. My parents passed away when I was 11 years old and no longer have access to medical records they may have had. To complicate matters the CDC does not have guidelines for exemptions to allow exemptions for the Covid vaccines that my doctors can follow, also lack of hospital records from when I was a child does not help either.
I do however have a PTSD diagnosis from a psychotherapist who also did neurofeedback therapy on me for 30 weeks, proving my neurological condition.

As a result of my employer's vaccine requirement I am not able to work doing what I have done for 18 years. I received therapy for my condition and able to work again but wearing a mask and especially taking a vaccine shot is not recommended by my doctors considering I have a neurological condition. My doctors and I have expressed concern about possible risks that are not worth taking by wearing a mask and getting a shot that has risks involved such as adverse reactions that I have had in the past.
I am now experiencing exasperated PTSD from these random requirements based only on Government mandates that are in place not by the people of my country but by one person, our President.
The increased risk of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following the ChAdOx1nCoV-19 vaccine is an example of a rare adverse neurological event7,8. These findings have prompted the United Kingdom, several European countries and two Canadian provinces to limit the use of the ChAdOx1nCoV-19 vaccine or restrict its use pending further risk–benefit analysis in those at low risk of severe outcomes from infection. Furthermore, two cases of transverse myelitis were identified in the treatment arm during ChAdOx1nCoV-19 clinical trials3. These cases triggered two temporary study pauses, including careful regulatory review by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). One case of transverse myelitis was considered to be possibly causally related to the vaccine, and an association of rare neuroinflammatory side-effects with ChAdOx1nCoV-19 could not be ruled out.
Two cases of young women manifesting FND after COVID-19 vaccination were reported by Alfonso Fasano, MD, PhD, of the University of Toronto, and Antonio Daniele, MD, PhD, of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome, in a letter to the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.
Two other published reports showed probable FND precipitated by COVID-19 vaccine administration, highlighting that FND should be considered when assessing post-vaccine neurologic symptoms, wrote Matthew Butler, MD, of Kings College London in England, and co-authors in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.
FND involves a disruption in normal brain mechanisms for controlling the body. It can be triggered by physical or emotional events including head injury, medical or surgical procedures, or vaccinations. People with FND may present with a range of neurological symptoms such as seizures, sensory abnormalities, gait or balance disturbance, or weakness. FND is distinct from feigning because patients perceive their symptoms as involuntary. Once it is recognized and diagnosed, FND can be treated.
Neurological side effects to SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations are usually mild, of short duration, self-limiting, and ambulatorily manageable. However, in some cases, these side effects are severe and require hospitalization or even admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).4 Only, rarely these side effects can be fatal.5 Since the virus and the adverse reactions to vaccinations show a tropism for neuronal structures and tissues this narrative review about the neurological side effects was conducted to collect and discuss published data in order to discover type, frequency, treatment, and outcome of these side effects and to eventually discover if certain patients are prone to experience them, if they can be prevented, and which therapeutic management is the most appropriate.
I rely primarily on blogging on Hive to survive. I am not sure how much longer I can sustain this way although my bills are minimal. I am hoping that the pharmaceutical companies get the profit that they seek so we can live life again with out cutting off our oxygen with masks or taking a mysterious vaccine with no public clinical trial information available. As it is there is a lot secrecy surrounding the trails conducted for these vaccines. Companies like Pfizer refuse to release any data on such trials.
New York-headquartered Pfizer still holds that trial data and has indicated that it won’t begin considering requests for such data until May 2025—24 months after the primary study completion date of May 15, 2023, which is listed on
Meanwhile, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had asked a judge to give it 75 years to produce all the data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine.
However, a judge earlier this month ordered that the FDA make public 12,000 pages of the data it used to make decisions regarding approvals for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the month. The FDA must also release Pfizer’s vaccine data at a rate of 55,000 pages a month until all of the requested pages are public.
There is hope that people worldwide will have the courage to stand up to the profiteering individuals, companies and government officials. We need courage to speak up and not be afraid to stand up for our rights and bodily autonomy. Sooner than later I think we will see governments to recognize the power that rests in the hands of the people. I provide some simple youtube videos to help paint a better picture of hope in regards to people taking a stand worldwide against government mandates. I suggest to look into the matters discussed below further past just watching these videos.
Courage is the answer.
Billionaire philanthropists who refuse to disclose their vaccine profiteering.
Canada protesting unlawful Government vaccine mandates
Australia protests against Vaccine Mandates
Worldwide protests against Government Vaccine mandates
The crumbling Covid19 narrative and what’s next
Also I made mention about natural immunity and the delta variant. Here is a link to a story that better clarifies what I was saying on the matter.
▶️ 3Speak
Thanks for sharing your story T, and i will be holding some $antivax tokens.
One love brother and take good care of yourself.
Thanks for reaching out man! I am glad to see the support you are receiving on your recent posts on Hive!
God is by my side and not the government so I will take good care of myself for sure!
My favorite part is where press secretary says -people will just have to decide in history what side they will want to be on as we take away their fundamental rights
Yeah its wacky out there. No need to choose sides. It should be live and let live.
Its a crazy world we live in. The Covid Vaxed are scared to catch Covid from those who decided against getting the needle. That is an interesting token, it would be nice to see a Swap version of it on Hive-Engine. Hopefully you are considered for the drop as it sounds like you certainly qualify for it, good luck!
Well I wouldn't mind holding the token but really I want others in more dire situations to share their story and get supported! Thank you for commenting man! @dynamicrypto is saying great things about you and I am close to making memes because of people like you, @dynamicrypto and @marshmellowman!
When a meme is included in a top notch quality post it deserves nice support!
Great video meme!
Ill look into buying some to help pump the price for those that have it can earn some from it, and use it to live their lives, free of the system i hope.
Just listen to your heart the memes are on the inside.
ahahah nice...i play that game years ago...never got into the new stuff. Nice link though, cus the

We Are Canadian, Eh!is NOT for free speech.......@hive-166399But yes they muted me and making my feed look bad.
Such pettiness on their part.....they could have said something first.. .
Do you know how to make this different? For my own viewing pleasure?
They should not be able to make my feed look Muted...only their front end fine but my wall…shit that is wrong!
Hive is family friendly eh? You didnt know? There are children here who need to follow the governments rules and mandates! Hopefully, you are wearing a mask when Hiving...
Did you forget a !LOL in that or a haha, cus that is likely what they are pushing for decentralized centralized centers of ecco chambers where the sounds reverberate only in ones own mind.
They can fallow what ever demi-god they choose, they should not be able to mute my own wall. any word on how to get that undone?
It's on my list to reach out to Aggy & see what it takes to get a swap.antivax going :-)
Awesome! Let's hope to see some antivax token going too people who need it! Thanks for promoting a great cause!
Keep resisting @dynamicgreentk That is the best thing you can do. Have you read Robert Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" yet? I just started it. Mind blowing how corrupt our systems have become. You are not alone...
I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this so directly. I've been lucky. Sending you perseverance, courage and love...knowing we will get through this. I know it 💜
You know its quite liberating. Its just dealing with the sheeple. Many have forgotten 9/11 and how the same people are involved with this nonsense. It is creepy that people want to get weird shots injected into them that clearly are not working. Yeah many people wanted to call fauci for genocide with how he treated AIDs and the money he made there.
You have a great attitude about it all. You see what's happening and I appreciate that! Yes, it is interesting what people will do. I keep hearing of lawsuits, crimes against humanity, genocide. The house of cards are indeed falling. So much information kept from people. We will endure...
I lost my job because I will not take the rapid antigen test work now forced upon me. I know a lot of people that have lost jobs over Vax and testing. Hope you make enough on Hive to pay your way.
Well make a post man! @kennyskitchen will send it to the antivax people!
That is rough that you have such reactions. I'm sad to hear that! If they fire you for it, there should be a lawsuit for medical discrimination. I know @rooted.wings on Instagram is fighting the cause for police and firemen getting the ax for not getting the Vax. You might want to dm her.
While that sounds cool but that person seems to not be on Hive or is the wrong account name tag. Who know maybe they can help but this vaccine thing seems to be a big wall to over come.