Thank you and appreciate your kind words!
Videos are not easy even if you record more than a hundred, there will be always something and can be wrong, at least in our heads lol
I have this issue of rambling too much and go all over the place and sometimes I have to delete and start over. The video above was my second take by the way lol
Time will be always the main issue and/or excuse. I also live by what I have remaining on that day after taking care of my boys and my house, hence sacrificing my sleep time. But I'm crazy lol
Even so, I am proud of you that you at least tried to do videos in the past. Maybe it's really not for you or not the right time yet. I'm also proud that you came back after some absence and give it another shot. And I hope you can manage to stick around more often.
Negativity will be always part of me, I just simply say "fuck off" to it more often now ahahaha
We deserve to treat ourselves better :)
Thanks for the encouragement!
When you go off on your videos, I find it interesting cause your sharing a bit of yourself with us and that's cool.
I'm really trying to hang in there. I feel like every time I really get into what I'm doing here something always pull me away. I think that is what a lot of my problem is, fear of the interruptions that keep happening. I say I'm going to ignore them but sometimes you can't and then I have to slow down and that kind of discourages me. So I try to just do a lot of curating and commenting & work toward a regular post schedule. Keeping to a schedule is another tough spot for me, but I'm not giving in to all these things, I'm just trying to keep in the loop and maybe one day it will all come together.