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RE: Update, Let's Talk

in Threespeak5 years ago

Absolutely organise. People got smarted after months of lockdown. My friends would say, rather die of covid than die of hunger. The poor gets poorer and you name it.. At least in the US, there is a kind of help.
Here is the Philippines, there is some donation of food. Each family are allocated with certain amount of rice, sardines.. But this is what happen here, the one who leads the small town, or those who has connection with this politician, they get first, and when the 5 kilo of rice reach to each household, it became only 2 kilos and the 5 cans of sardines became 2 cans instead.
and you know what? this person who corrupting the donations files all this kilo of rice and cans of sardines for money. Yes, they keep it and then sell it later.