Safe Bike Ride

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Hope everybody is well. Today is Tuesday, the day is pretty good. We all know some things but don't believe them. Today I have highlighted one such issue, and captured a video of some part of my city Gopalganj.
Most people in Bangladesh like e-bikes, but many do not notice that the extra speed of the bike can change your life.Especially 18-19 year olds never like to ride a bike slowly.But brother this little quickness of yours can suddenly bring about an accident that is capable of snatching anything from you in an instant.
Let's be careful. And yes, our Gopalganj city is a city wrapped in green.Here, wherever your eyes fall, green trees will fall. In this video you will see the largest eye hospital in South Asia.I hope everyone will enjoy watching the video.

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welcome @threespeak video platform. Your area is very beautiful and full of nature. I really like it a lot. The best thing is that you have given a lot of tips about bike rides. I hope bikers will benefit if they watch your video and thank you for your valuable thoughts to highlight.

The environment is my favorite, especially the environment surrounded by green is my favorite. Our Gopalganj city is quite nice. But yes, today I have highlighted the issue of safe bike ride, it is very important.You have to be careful wherever you go to ride a bike wherever you are in the world because an accident here means fighting with death.

I know ..thanks for feedback this .

I never learnt how to ride a motor bike as I have seen some dangerous accidents of my relatives and neighbours. So anyone who ride a bike, should be concerned about it.

The largest eye hospital in South Asia, I didn't knew about it. What is the name of this hospital?

Sheikh Hasina Eye Hospital, located in Gopalganj. To be honest, riding a bike is very intrusive. Accidents are sure to happen here if one moment is distracted. So caution is the best approach.

But it is really impossible for any one to keep 100% attention while riding bike all time. He may loose concentration any time for a while and it may causes serious accident. What we can do keeping attention how much possible by us.

Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Accidents are often caused by not being able to fully concentrate or meditate. Thanks for your nice instructive comments.

প্রথমেই চমৎকার এবং সবুজ বেষ্টিত পরিবেশের প্রসংশা করছি মামা। পরিবেশটা আমার কাছে দারুন লেগেছে।
হ্যা, আমাদের জীবনের সকল ক্ষেত্রেই সতর্ক এবং নিরাপদ থাকার চেষ্টা করা উচিত। কারন শুধু মোটরসাইকেল এর ক্ষেত্রে নয়, আমাদের জীবনের সকল ক্ষেত্রেই অসতর্কতা ভয়াভহ বিদপ ডেকে আনে। ভিডিওটি আমার কাছে ভালো লেগেছে।

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ভিডিওটি দেখার জন্য। আসলে মামা সত্যি বলতে একজন নতুন ব্লগার হিসেবে যতটুকু সম্ভব করেছি আশাকরি ভবিষ্যতে আপনাদের দোয়ায় আরো ভাল কিছু করতে পারব।

Chesta choloman rakho mamu jotota somvob valo folafol opekkha korse samne.

Welcome to 3speak and first video, hmm, excellent job. I love how you have presented the entire vlog using your voice instead of putting only the music, something exceptional. Thanks for showing the greenery of your country.

Love the vlog...

Nice to see you driving skill and the city of prime minister with green and development