Do you think that getting a credit now will blow back big time due to these plans for deleting all credits for maximum control over the individuum?
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Do you think that getting a credit now will blow back big time due to these plans for deleting all credits for maximum control over the individuum?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes I do. My sense is desperation is setting in. With bond markets freezing up, this is going to make it very tough for governments to keep funding things the way they did in the past. This is especially true for the EU. The ECB really finds themselves in a corner.
One of the biggest threats of CBDCs is the fact that it is very easy for central banks/governments to go to negative interest rates. This is meant to force money out of people's hands. Failure to do so will result in people getting a haircut.
If the governments do default on their debts, we could well be looking at them trying to find other ways to fund their activities. In the US the Social Security system is a safety net that people pay into to aid them in their retirement. However, the system is really just a ponzi scheme, since the money paid today is used to pay out to existing retirees.
We can envision something like this with all retirement accounts. Got a healthy amount of money in there, the government will take it over and "administer" it. They will likely start with some sort of plan where those who choose to have their debt erased will "opt in" to this system.
It is always a good idea to be debt free but a better one right now. Those carrying debt that they cannot service could be facing some major difficulties.
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