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RE: Hive is undervalued

in Threespeak10 days ago

Most Humans are stupid indeed (that's a consequence of our species' adaptation, unfortunately)... it's hard to explain to society how depressing they are heading towards, mainly because of all the distractions...

Trying to wake up some of these is constantly a fricking whistle-blower... anyone being able to do that (I mean, really doing it), has my damn unconditional support, and that's not because I am blind, its because I understand the reason, the logic, the long term future. But I doubt it will be soon, unfortunately...

It might still go slow expansion for a while, but the reality is that we are expanding. Slowly yes, but growing... no matter what. Time passes, and value accrues!

I see the code, I have validated/experienced the code, and I like the code, and I will continue to support the code while I like it. As simple as that...

Outside of what matters, I will continue to adapt and do whatever I can... becoming whatever da f I can... to make sure this is going to be the most historical mark of 21st century!
