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RE: Both Sides are the Same Side

in Threespeak3 years ago

As always mostly agree with you,Hi @cahlen,

A bit of nuance however, as to the vaccines:

I don't think the main objective was murder.
From their viewpoint it's more like a nice side effect.
(as the other vaccines and all the other range of chemical poisoning of mankind)

If the real objective was murder, we would have seen much more dead.
Even if I think we have not seen yet the full extent of these shots.
Starving will be much more cost effective strategy to cull Mandkind…

I think the main goal was mass testing of global ID / mesh network / nano-tech shit.
But it is me quibbling about the main goal…

As too your conclusion on a logical level, I'am 100% ok with you. Regroup unite is the only way.

On a practical level it is difficult.
Let's take my case as an example, here in France people here are grown in a total state-worshiper mindset. They all disagree on what state should do, where it should spend the money but ultimately all agree that state is good, state know best, etc…
So even in alternatives / rebel circle they say we should change how the state work and/or replace it.
(And the so called Anarchist movement are a joke, they are just hardcore communists…)

The truth is, I'am alone, never met one single truly like-minded people.
So ok I take my part of the blame, I should have warned around me earlier. (but at the time I felt too into many traps, so I would have done then, more harm than good.)

So the issue remain, and timescale is set.
We don't have 10 years to bring enough people to realize that we need to unite. (and by saying 10 year I'am really optimistic because as I say mentalities here are fucked-up…)

What options are left, moving into another country, like US ?
If bye some clever way I managed to sneak in illegally, I end up living with the eternal threat of immigration control and me being a weakness to the community around me because of this…

For now, I don't really see a path to it.

For those living in the US, turn your brain on an join cahlen and people like him, it is the only solution !!!


If you don't have ID how would they know you're deportable? All they'd have to go on is accent. They have to prove or get you to admit you're from somewhere else.

I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that when US law enforcer (like police and such) find an unknown guy who don't give ID,
They bring you into custody until they find who you really are (with various databases).
And then send you back to country of origin, with some form of punishment for "breaking" their law.

I don't think so, but maybe.