You really shouldn't use wiki as a reference. It has a lot false info and many know this and that could have a negative affect on your reputation. Just lookin out bro... Never stop. This is your calling and this country needs many more citizens like you that get to the root of the issue. Always follow the money, the paper trails and your gut feelings. Never ignore your gut. If you don't listen to your gut then you'll listen to your butt. Never waste your time on negative comments. Some sheeple have no eyes to see or ears to hear and they are not supposed see or hear the truth. They are deaf dumb and blind. They are spiritually bankrupt and cut off from the spirit of the sunlight
Trumps no saint! He has done some fucked up things no doubt. On the other hand he has implemented and did a lot of good things but not everything he did was good. No ones perfect and he did do more good for this country than any president before him by far.
The left and the right are both just a distraction to distract us from what's really going on behind the scenes. Such as the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers and the WHO & CDC, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM forcing globalization upon us. NWO is real! It's no theory or joke but more than half of this country has been brainwashed (hence FAKEBOOK, social media and the fake news which is ALL news. Left and right leaning stations are both inaccurate and over-ruled.
The depth of is quite to comprehend for average American. Especially for the ones who believe in the American dream or that the government left or right has our best interests at heart. They've been fooled and its most likely they will never see the truth until they're in a FIMA camp somewhere.
I just wanted you to know one I'm not blind and two I know you're not blind and three most are blind and have been dumbed down intentionally. One more suggestion try not to get overly excited or defensive to the best of your ability. Calm honest and confident is what attracts people. Look at Alex Jones for instance (I'm not comparing you) but if he just toned it down and just talked calmly with confidence he would be much more receptive. Alex has done some great things but all it takes is one mistake (like pizzagate) and your credibility turns to shit! You get my point I'm sure. I'm going to contact you and offer you a hand in making people aware and you can accept it or not thats up to you. Just remember...
Negativity and hatred spread much faster than goodness and love. But love still conquers all and love will conquer in the end! That's really ALL that matters, ultimately!
Regards, GL