Hi, people!
These verses are for all of you who seek devotion in love. For all of you who hope for boundless love!
I want to believe that I will be able to convey what my heart felt when I wrote them. I am sure that among you here, there are souls full of purity who are still searching...
Your tears seem to be
Two snowflakes in Paradise,
And they embraced me again
The rain with sun that struck my heart like in a dream,
One more real, but untouched,
By your summer and your storm.
I didn't know then, but today,
I understand that you're not here
Because I detached,
Following my demons,
Just the shadow and the pain,
And I understood that I had chosen
To give up everything I wanted more,
With an unquenchable hope.
But your steps call me again,
On bare asphalt, with cold marks,
And I understand now that I'm silent,
You still are, I still am.
Because they stopped us
From being able to really meet,
In that winter that is part of a dream,
In everything I wanted and wrote.
For I love you as I have never loved,
And you remain with me indefinitely,
Through the clear sky, but also through the cloudy one,
Witch I look forward to,
And I feel your thrill in them,
Up there between the cold stars,
I'm still calling you - stay forever!
Thank you very much for your precious time!
Thanks for reading!