Hive India: What Is The First Place You Will Travel Post-Quarantine?

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)


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Namaste India.

Though all of us are sitting in our rooms, our minds are constantly working. In fact, in our head, we are making plans. To meet people. To go out. And to really live that old life, isn't it?

In this video, we discuss exactly that. We got a bunch of members from our Hive India community to answer a simple question: where will you travel once the dust is settled? Some of the answers are surprisingly simple. And others are a bit whacky.


Team Hive India

Join Hive India:

Credits / Team Members:

@backpackingmonk (video) — @looftee (host) — @travel-cuisine (host) — @sidwrites (content)

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I will visit my favorite restaurant that's all, I really love to eat junk food a lot 😋🙏👌

lol, me too.

What do you say @travel-cuisine ? Let's hang out on our favourite restaurant someday?

Chal chalte hai aj hi hare kabab khane 🤪