Received this from a friend, which he received from Cody Hawke.
"This MASSIVE crypto shake out is by design. This is a GREAT THING. Hold strong if you can stomach it. The goal of the government and the big companies is the shake you out with a fake "crash" then FOMO you back in a few times. I'm going to break down some inside information for you in the newsletter. You may have seen the first "Crypto Summit" at the White House recently. This was a show designed to create "buzz".
Many people were disappointed when they realized the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve was not buying NEW Bitcoin. It's designed to hold current and future seized Bitcoin.
They mentioned coins like ADA, XRP, ETH, SOL. Keep in mind that the governments "reserve" is NOT a great thing like people are selling it as.
I'm going to cover this bull for 2025 and 2026. First, in late April you will see a REAL shake out, a big one. This will be the second to the last, the last being in May.
These are designed to get you to SELL, SELL, SELL. Then they can buy cheap. June, July and August will be MASSIVE for crypto overall.
The new USA plan is moving VERY fast for the social credit aspect of the blockchain. This is why the Credit Score was federalized.
In the media you see the USA, Canada, Europe "fighting." It's ALL FAKE, it's a stage. This pads their pockets. This was designed long ago. Do not believe that the "West" is fighting. This is no more real than the WWE. It's designed to keep you distracted while they RAKE in cash.
The EU, UK, Australia, and India (so far) will all be handing over ALL citizen data to the USA on August 22nd. This is for the NEW global database, i.e the social credit score. This date was directly said by Mike Johnson on Cspan last week. Why August 22nd? The second most distracted time of the year. End of summer, beginning of school. August 21st-Sept 5th. Second only to Christmas/ New Years week.
It's vital you get 100% of your data out of the system and get your crypto out of your name. The quantum project (Singularity) will be active late 2025 and will be able to crawl EVERYTHING leading to you world wide data collection through the US Blockchain. This is why with my new ultra ghost algorithm we are using the base layer for ring signatures when we delete data. This allows us to encrypt and destroy everything before we replace it with dead end info and alias data. That's how it is truly expunged. Most of South America, Japan and Mexico are set to sign on as well. Have ZERO crypto in your name at that point. That is VITAL and should be your life's mission. Digital assets are freedom, if done right. Digital assets are a prison if done wrong.
2025, 2026 will print GENERATIONAL Wealth! This will be that last MASSIVE bull run before the 2030 Agenda. This is your last chance to make FU money to the globalists money before they control EVERYTHING. Make sure you are grandfathered in.
I was talking to a source in Washington DC last Friday and they are in panic mode over the sheer lack of direction coming from the oval office. They know the strategy is flood the zone. Meaning do as many things as possible all at once. This minimizes "bad press" and limits story length. Issue is it will hurt the market. Again this is by design for the larger plan.
Tokenization of assets is coming this year. What assets? I'm glad you asked, EVERYTHING the governments "own". Why? Why would they put the USA budget on the Blockchain and tokenize all "government" assets?
Proof of concept strategy. Once you can tokenize an asset, you can CONTROL said asset, FOREVER. He who controls the money, controls EVERYTHING.
The USA is setting up a test UBI with the "Doge DIVIDEND". They are building on the "Fed Coin" system, the IP they stole from XRP in the lawsuit. This system will run swift 2.0. This is why they are pushing Tariffs so much, the illusion of cash flow. The dollar is a Ponzi, everyone knows that. Well, with a Digital dollar, spending and lending the SAME money will be even easier. There is speculation that with all the Gold talk, Fort Knox, they want to go back the the GOLD standard. NO, no they don't. The dollar is actually going to be backed by LABOR.
Let me explain, the reason they are bringing back manufacturing to the USA is not for jobs, it's labor. I talked to a buddy of mine in the labor department, they are GUTTING the department. Why? They don't plan for employees. It will be done via AI. To run this AI, what do you need? ENERGY, TONS and TONS of it. This is why the USA will soon take Greenland. ENERGY centers. They already plan on creating a Federal resources military base on Greenland. Meaning government run energy.
Energy produces power, AI is power, he who controls AI, controls this planet. This is the new gold rush. The stakes are 1,000,000,000 percent higher. AI will replace 80% plus of manufacturing by 2030. The USA power output will have to increase by 50X-200X conservatively according to the US department of interior. they have ran multiple studies. That's why they installed MR. North Dakota as the cabinet pick. ENERGY, that's his only concern.
The USA policy is made in USA or tariff. The tariff wont work long term, they are counting on it. Passing the prices to you in the name of a "better future" is fine. The future of the USA is power generation stations and data centers as far as the eye can see. Canada, EU and the UK will run most of their AI through the USA super centers. Less than 20% currently are planned for Europe. Canada is building ZERO and the USA will control Canada like always. Australia is actually building their own (Down Under) but sharing data across the world.
Did you see BlackRock recently bought ALL the major ports in the Panama Canal just 3 days after meeting the President. Then the President signed an order of readiness for 10,000 peace keeping troops for Panama. This is to control the flow of cargo.
With ALL that said, what's the plan for Crypto?
First, I will be buying DCA (Dollar Cost Average) from now until later April. Then that's probably it except maybe the May/June Shakeout.
This will rise over the summer, September - November, you will see a SUPERSONIC BOOM. Looks like a total cap of $15 Trillion, give or take in 2025. BlackRock, State-Street, and dozens of others will PLOW in late summer after crypto framework is finalized and codified.
I'm selling all coins in my portfolio as a percent, not each. I will not pretend to find the "top". When it does crash, it will crash FAST. Don't be greedy, that will get you wrecked. Been there my self in 2016 when I was a crypto rookie.
September 15th ish, I plan to sell 10%
I will start selling more in October. 15% week one, 15% week three.
November, Week 2, I will dump 50%.
The last 10% I will hold, for me it's a gamble. It will decrease a lot over the holidays most likely. 2026 will be better than 2025 IF, we don't slide in a MASSIVE recession. that's a big if.
#1 question people have been asking me this year so far, for privacy/ Digital Security. Will Quantum computing crack Bitcoin, Tor, Crypto?
Tor, no, not exactly. Tor runs on relays and nodes. Can this system create fake nodes? Yes, kind of. That said, it still won't have your traffic due to alternating exits. Will it destroy Tor? No, no time in the near future. It will cause Tor, along with all other privacy tools to elevate their game.
Bitcoin, MAYBE. Keep in mind, coded in 2008 with C++ and using SHA 256.
Quantum computers have the potential to crack current encryption standards, using algorithms like Shor's algorithm, which could theoretically solve the mathematical problems that underpin Bitcoin's cryptography in seconds, rather than the billion years it would take classical computers.
Crypto, depends on the coin. Monero? That would be hard, again in 2100, yeah I'm sure it will. In 2040? Not likely. Other coins, just like Bitcoin, enough time and resources anything is possible. that aid, crypto is not sitting on its hands waiting. MASSIVE projects are under way for privacy and protection. Just like all major technologies, the dark and the light side rise together.
A lot is happening in the world, this is designed to distract you. The key is to rise above the noise. Don't let it scare you, stress you out, or send you to panic mode down a rabbit hole. Instead, study, research and take action.
A new world is coming, if you are educated, setup properly and prepared for it, it will be AMAZING. Frankly, I can't wait, we have this thing beat. As far as I'm concerned in my life, I have the Matrix on the ropes. However, If not, if you do nothing, well, the opposite.
Always HOPE FOR THE BEST, but prepare for the worst..."