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RE: Creating Decentralized Social Media - Let's Talk About It

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

Amazing, Just so amazing... you can actually talk about decentralisation for 3 days straight and you just find out that you're only beginning. Truth is you are right about anonimity, freedom, free speech and control. A lot of these centralised entities thinks that they can do sell decentralisation to people in a centralised way which is totally a very dumb thing to do.

You're right about consistency being the key to bursting into the spotlight. Its crazy to see how decentralisation is getting crushed through shadow banning. But the development is happening. Things are getting done everyday. Your reference to splinterland's growth as a result of consistency is quite true. It will only get better despite all the attempt at silencing big innovations.
We're all involved in this... We wouldn't stop till we eventually get there.