
kenny, where did you invest your beard in? ;)

I traded it in for a less itchy face. Thing is, it always seems to come back :-P

I think your prophetic soul is 37 miles ahead of the pack. Yes. Questioning what will have value in this rapidly changing world? Covid19 has been a wonderful testing exercise to make us think. I DO wonder about crypto and internet in general in a world where the internet services are centralized and expensive - here in Thailand we saw people unable to afford wifi during covid when their jobs evaporated.

Would love to read your thougths on that sometime.

Investment advice = MTG cards!
We live in a crazy world :-)
Have you played Axie Infinity? A group of hard-core Axie players were/are also into MTG. In the Axie world we have ‘Mystic’ Axies which are also seen as a solid store of value.

We certainly do right?

I haven't played, or heard of, that one until this point. It's pretty wild how many games there are that actually are great stores.. or at least the oldest stuff is.