Financial Education #108: Baby Boomers Are Broke

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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Those looking to retire have set money aside to live off. Due to inflation, and potential hyper inflation, what once was a hefty amount of savings is purchasing a lot less goods and services. Are we in a ticking time bomb?

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Watched the whole video. As much as its easy to blame "boomers" for all the worlds ills, they are just another generation with both good and bad people in it. I would guess almost every younger crypto investor has a parent or grandparent who is a boomer whom they love. I know I get mad at "boomer generation" sometimes but I also love my parents who are tail end of that.

I just remind myself it isn't the "boomers" im sick of, its the greedy ones, and greedy people exist in all generations. My best case scenari/hope is boomers get screwed by this economic system theyve setup, the younger investor generation helps rescue the impoverished older generation, and then everyone comes together again ALA OccupyWallstreet / We Are the 99% and boomers wake up to who has really been screwing them. Which are greedy people within their generation.

Note to boomers: Younger generation didn't financially screw you. The younger generation got financially fleeced by the same people who are screwing you right now.

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Unfortunately people are ignorant to inflation and how their pensions are being managed.

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