Enjoy the rant.
I hope I don't have to ditch @3speak and go elsewhere, but.... (watch video)
It's all humorously critical, (apart from the @theycallmedan part)
▶️ 3Speak
Enjoy the rant.
I hope I don't have to ditch @3speak and go elsewhere, but.... (watch video)
It's all humorously critical, (apart from the @theycallmedan part)
▶️ 3Speak
Nice one. I did nazi that coming!
Oh dear....lol
How can I down vote a reply with no up vote on it? lol
Nicely done 😊
I'm super left-wing radical.
Go go commies.
I must be on the right side because you just made Hitler out to be the good guy, lol :D
You referencing anything in particular here or is this just a general rant?
I'm super left-wing radical.
Don't worry, you'll grow up one day...lol
So you don't think individual sovereignty is valid?
(that's a 'yes' or 'no' answer - there is no grey area)
If you think that you do have sovereignty over yourself, it means you belong to yourself (i.e. you are your own property)
If you think 'no', then you support bureaucracy, corruption, theft, nepotism, graft,force of rule, and tyranny.
It is that easy.
What you choose to support is up to you.
...leftism is so old fashioned, brought to you by the bankers over this last 100 years, and people fell for the persuasive BS - which was socialism dressed up and named capitalism - (there can be no capitalism with central banking and interest rate control by the issuer of the money).
It's really simple, but manipulative power hungry sociopaths try to complicate it to pull the wool over sheeps eyes.
(They have to complicate it, for leftism is based in hypocrisy and deception)
Are you still a lefty?
Left vs Right partisan politics are the children's table of politics. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism are all the same thing: pyramid schemes designed to put a few in charge of many.
So when I see people running around using "commie" constantly like it's supposed to be some kind of insult, it makes me cringe. It signals to me that they fell for the same old tired left vs right bullshit. Anyone who runs around calling people "commie" as an insult is possibly being brainwashed by propaganda dating all the way back to the Red Scare. Yo, that was 100 years ago; pretty terrifying that propaganda can have that much staying power. These behaviors and ideologies are being passed down the generations and rekindled.
The only political issue that actually matters is money. Most importantly, the distribution of it. All of the other problems disappear with a proper distribution of wealth. Guess what? You aren't going to get that kind of distribution in capitalism. End of story.
Attacking communism/socialism is a pointless endeavor. Proving communism/socialism for the pyramid scheme that it truly is doesn't make capitalism any less of a pyramid. Yet that is exactly what appears to be happening in terms of mindset. Working as intended. Propaganda wins.
I use 'commie' to cover all authoritarian supporting ideologies.
Pyramids exist. Hierarchies exist across the animal kingdom.
If this fact is part of life, work with it, not against it.
All people are not equal.(ability, productivity - not value of life) Work with it, not against it.
Meritocracy is provably the best system in which to allocate resources. (can be corrupted through bureaucracy - whic is where we are now)
Does that mean inequality? Yes.
Work with it, not against it.
The rest of the animal kingdom work with it, and we are part of it.
Competition is as natural as the sun rising.
The commie's hate competition - just like the Rockefeller's.
Ego, they hate the natural process of life. (Competition and acquiring resources in a free market, where merit counts).
I have an hypothesis on as to the 'why' of this...But you wouldn't like it.lol
Of course those who ascend to the top hate competition. Why play fair when you can just crush them in underhanded ways and burn the bridge behind you? That's practically the definition of regulation, which you clearly must hate. Personally, I'm on the fence about a lot of policy. I'm not going to pretend I know what's best for everyone in the world or how these Goliath industries should interact.
The problem is obvious, the solution is not.
Actually I guess you do have the solution: Meritocracy.
So it's not the solution that's the problem but rather the implementation of it.
If everyone received what they were due we'd have no problems, to be sure.
Simply being alive at this point would earn one quite a bit of wealth,
considering the exponential advance of technology over the last 100 years.
That might sound like some commie shit, but we aren't in a desperate enough situation to tell people they need to die because they don't offer enough value (or potential future value).
but we aren't in a desperate enough situation to tell people they need to die because they don't offer enough value (or potential future value).
everyone has value. everyone.
The dogs asleep...lol.
Meritocracy is the antithesis of leftist thinking.
It's 180 degrees diametrically opposed to the entire commie philosophy.
....hence why is isn't implemented in socialist systems ( nepotism and political maneuvering are the currency of the left), and that's why they self destruct.
The right people are not in the best places, to do the best job at hand
The answers are simple.
Asking the right questions -That's the very tricky part...
The question is, will @theycallmedan get all the way through to the last caption so you get the fat whale upvote you so clearly desire!
lolololol - shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit , I never thought of that! lolollol
i like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i don't want a bunch of commies trying to sniff my crotch on Hive so I am being passive...
Confucius say:
Man who think commies will not sniff crotches uninvited, finds uninvited anus the width of the grand canyon, later on.
That's a scientific FACT!
I found a picture of your special friend - the one whose has penis has gone missing:
He has destroyed my reputation... so I'm thinking of going vegan or starting gender reassignment...
I'll see your Political Correctness and raise you:
PC is my middle name!