It isn't about like or dislike, agree or disagree. It's about theft.

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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...getting fucked over, is getting fucked over....
Playing my part to point it all out. (and maybe getting frozen out of steem after

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ah bugger - I forgot to mention the stars of the show!

mentioned in despatches...

@theycallmedan @blocktrades @darthknight @ausbitbank @drakos @neoxian @netuoso @ocd-witness @pfunk @pharesim @themarkymark @therealwolf @transisto


mmm I notice you had more account names in the video than your list in red.
Is that because you knew that so many belong to one person?
Also what is the list about? what happened ?

You may find this of interest

I have no idea who's accounts belong to who (and neither does anyone else, I recon).

The list are the names of people on steem who've has their accounts 'frozen' and were going to be transferred elsewhere - theft. (then the bitrex 'robinhood' story came about - it's not resolved yet)

I have not been keeping up to date with the twin chains of late and dont have a clue about the Robin hood story.
I just checked out most of the accounts and yep it looks like lots of steem has indeed been stolen.