Walking Through The Woodlands Steady Cam Video

in Threespeak3 months ago

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Hello, hive community I am back this time with A video :)

So I actually tried doing A timelapse video instead but the quality wasn't all that good because well you need to be pretty still for A timelapse to work.

I decided to create another steady camera video of my walk around the Woodlands, My phone has A mode that "stabalises" the camera so whilst it records I just go about my normal walk.

I decided to put music in the video as apart from the sound of my footsteps there wasn't any birds or other noises to listen out for mainly because it was later in the evening and not much was happening.

I used this site here: https://pixabay.com/music/

I never knew Pixabay did free to use music both non commercial and commercial but wow that's very cool.

I hope you enjoy the video, thanks for reading.

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