❗️ 2 years and 5 months in a penal colony for blogger from Shuya Sergey Veselov for an article about "discrediting" the army

in Threespeak10 months ago

Sergey Veselov's Penal Colony Sentence for "Discrediting" the Army

Sergey Veselov, a blogger from Shuya, was sentenced to 2 years and 5 months in a penal colony for publishing content that allegedly "discredited" the Russian army. This sentence follows multiple legal challenges and an increase in the requested term by the prosecutor.


Analytical Report and Forecast:
Sergey Veselov's case represents a broader trend of crackdowns on freedom of speech in Russia, particularly targeting individuals who criticize the government or military. Initially facing lesser charges, the sudden increase in his sentence suggests a strategic move by the authorities to silence dissent. The exclusion of his time in detention from the overall sentence and the prosecutor's revision of the indictment highlight procedural irregularities. Given Veselov's involvement in multiple criminal cases, it is likely that further legal actions could follow, potentially extending his time in custody. This situation underscores the precarious position of activists and bloggers in Russia, where legal mechanisms are often used to stifle opposition.

Rewrite with Hashtags:
Sergey Veselov, a blogger from Shuya, was sentenced to 2 years and 5 months in a penal colony for an article allegedly "discrediting" the Russian army. Initially, the prosecutor requested a 1 year and 1 month sentence, but later increased it unexpectedly. The aggravating circumstance of the crime being committed "in the context of an armed conflict" was excluded. Veselov's failure to complete compulsory labor and pay fines were noted. Veselov complained about restrictions on his correspondence while in detention. His video "Do not confuse Germans with Nazis, and Russians with Putin" was the basis for the charges. Veselov faces multiple criminal cases, including calls for terrorism and vandalism. Previously, he was beaten and doused with boiling water by a cellmate.

#SergeyVeselov #PenalColony #DiscreditingArmy #ShuyaBlogger #RussianLegalSystem #CourtSentence #Prosecutor #ArmedConflict #CriminalCase #DetentionCenter #TerrorismCharges #JuryTrial #RehabilitationOfNazism #VideoControversy #FreedomOfSpeech #Russia #Activism #HumanRights #PoliticalPersecution #LegalIrregularities #OppositionSilencing #CivilRights #Journalism #Blogging #OnlineActivism

Editorial Comment:
The case of Sergey Veselov illustrates the increasingly harsh measures taken against dissenting voices in Russia. The manipulation of legal charges and the severity of the sentence reflect a broader strategy to intimidate and suppress criticism of the state. This scenario raises significant concerns about the erosion of civil liberties and the rule of law in Russia.

This investigation was conducted in hot pursuit and needs to be thoroughly verified. The following may have a biased perception of the facts and signs of manipulation by various actors. All responsibility for references to this information lies with the user. Take everything as a version, nothing more.

Sergey Veselov's harsh sentence underscores the challenges faced by critics of the Russian government. The procedural irregularities and escalation of charges highlight the use of the legal system to suppress dissent. This case serves as a warning to others who might seek to express opposition.

Sergey Veselov, penal colony, discrediting the army, Shuya blogger, Russian legal system, court sentence, prosecutor, armed conflict, criminal case, detention center, terrorism charges, jury trial, rehabilitation of Nazism, video controversy

Description for Google Search Robots (150 characters):
Sergey Veselov, a Shuya blogger, sentenced to 2 years and 5 months for discrediting the army. His case reveals harsh measures against dissent in Russia.

❗️ 2 роки і 5 місяців у колонії-поселенні запросили блогеру з Шуї Сергію Веселову за статтею про "дискредитацію" армії

Раніше прокурор запитувала (https://t.me/sotavisionmedia/29931) Веселову 1 рік і 1 місяць позбавлення волі, але сьогодні після закінчення судових дебатів вона вирішила несподівано відредагувати обвинувальний висновок. Держобвинувачка виключила з ув'язнення обтяжувальну обставину, яка полягала в тому, що злочин було скоєно "в умовах збройного конфлікту", а також запропонувала не враховувати строк тримання під вартою з 5 грудня 22 року до 5 жовтня 23 року, оскільки Веселов відбував його за іншою своєю справою. У підсумку запитуваний термін зріс більше, ніж удвічі.

Прокурор також звернула увагу на те, що Веселов не виконав призначені йому 300 годин обов'язкових робіт і не сплатив штрафи. Сам підсудний поскаржився судді, що адміністрація СІЗО ігнорує його спроби домогтися дозволу на листування з Іллею Яшиним. Суддя відповіла, що вона не займається вирішенням подібних питань.

Приводом для кримінальної справи про "дискредитацію" проти блогера стало його відео "Не плутати німців із гітлерівцями, а росіян із путінцями". Спочатку за фактом розміщення відеоролика було порушено справу про реабілітацію нацизму, але пізніше її було перекваліфіковано, що виключило можливість участі в суді присяжних.

27 січня Сергія Веселова затримали і взяли під варту в СІЗО в іншій кримінальній справі - про заклики до тероризму. Запобіжний захід у цій справі - заборона певних дій. Наразі Веселов проходить у більш ніж п'яти кримінальних справах, зокрема за "дискредитацію армії", вандалізм і заклики до тероризму.

Раніше стало відомо, що блогера в СІЗО побив і облив окропом співкамерник, після чого сусіда по камері Веселову поміняли.

Earlier, the prosecutor requested (https://t.me/sotavisionmedia/29931) 1 year and 1 month in prison for Veselov, but today, after the end of the court debate, she decided to unexpectedly edit the indictment. The public prosecutor excluded the aggravating circumstance that the crime was committed "in the context of an armed conflict" and also suggested that the period of detention from December 5, 22 to October 5, 23 should not be taken into account, as Veselov was serving time in another case. As a result, the requested term more than doubled.

The prosecutor also drew attention to the fact that Veselov failed to fulfill the 300 hours of compulsory labor assigned to him and failed to pay fines. The defendant himself complained to the judge that the administration of the pre-trial detention center ignored his attempts to obtain permission to correspond with Ilya Yashin. The judge replied that she did not deal with such issues.

The reason for the criminal case of "discrediting" against the blogger was his video "Do not confuse Germans with Nazis, and Russians with Putin". Initially, a case of rehabilitation of Nazism was initiated on the basis of the video, but later it was reclassified, which excluded the possibility of participation in a jury trial.

On January 27, Sergei Veselov was detained and taken into custody in a pre-trial detention center in another criminal case - on calls for terrorism. The measure of restraint in this case is a ban on certain actions. Currently, Veselov is involved in more than five criminal cases, including for "discrediting the army", vandalism and calls for terrorism.

Earlier it became known that the blogger was beaten and doused with boiling water by his cellmate in the detention center, after which Veselov's cellmate was changed.

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