joining a event with friends.

in Threespeak3 months ago

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Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are very well with friends.a beautiful interesting event, we went there and ate various kinds of food.

enjoy event with friends :

  • Then we all go there together and there are different items of state food we are benefited especially onionu jhal muridi is watching your jhal muridi is beautifully made his hand skill is amazing everyone is sitting in many lines to eat it looks amazing a favorite.

  • Then we have more variety of amazing chicken fry and egg fry which is very tasty and a wonderful meal.

It is wonderful to hang out with friends and spend some time with them, so I love to join this beautiful group.

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A beautiful and interesting program would be very good. I also think that I will have to do such a program.

I really liked this program very much, all of our friends had a lot of fun together. I hope there will be such a program in your area.

A beautiful and interesting program would be very good. I also think that I will have to do such a program.

Wow bro he is very fast in cutting the vegetables and you are enjoying the event with your friends that's really fascinating. I hope you enjoyed alot

I'm really amazed by his skill, he can cut vegetables so fast.

Wow the food looks so delicious and its lika a samosa we have in my country. Its good seeing you guys enjoyed the event

Yes somosha is one of my favorite food available in Bangladesh too.It was jhalmuri and variety of fried.

Hey brother, what delicious food did you show? This food is a popular dish in Bangladesh and it is more fun to eat this food while chatting with friends.

You are right because Bangladesh has jhalmuri very popular little dish with friends that dish is very popular.