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RE: Dublin Castle Exhibition 2021 video 10 - sand sculpture

in Threespeak3 years ago

I love the cogs and the pierced areas. It looks awesome. The globe is pretty wild with all those little figures you're working on. That's a lot of work to do that many and also the scale with sand must be challenging. I'm really enjoying watching how you progress with each video.


Working big is great fun. It means you have to get very physically into your work. Body and mind sleep very well at night.
I like to keep things very open as to what the finished piece will be. Keeping the creative process going all the way through keeps it exciting for me.Thank you @nineclaws. This had been a very challenging project because of all the other things I have going on in my personal life. I must say the making of the sculptures is the easiest part of the whole process.

The physical effort is a wonderful thing to clear the mind. Add in creativity and it's an ideal mix. I find it does what you say, makes for good sleep at night for both body and mind.

I know you've been really struggling, as I read your posts and watch your videos, that comes across very clearly. I feel for you and your family. These are the most difficult times of upheaval in the world that I've never experienced before in my entire life. Many much older people have said the same to me. It can make a person feel crazy if one allows it. Keeping focused in the present and living in the moment helps negate.

So you keep it open in terms of the finished piece and work in a flow like that. Very nice. With carving, one has to move with the medium one is working with and be open to constant shifts in direction. I've never experienced the process of addictive sculpture that way. I'm wondering if you have done much additive process in sculpture, aside from what you do with carving, that is? If so, wondering if you had a similar experience with it?