
You never miss a chance to motivate me. 🙏🙏Thank you so much @offgridlife. You are the best.

I am easily motivated by daily upvotes via … Fanbase


Wow. Never knew about this option. You're the first one & the only one in my FanBase now.

Awesome… you are on my Fanbase list too. 100% upvote twice a day … as long as I’m at 90 % Voting power to maximize my upvote….


Thanks, but it doesn’t seem to be working …

I think Fanbase - I may be confused.

I have following setting.

Hmmm.. that should work.

However, It only upvotes if your voting power is above whatever threshold you have set here …

I guess Manual voting is still the best approach. I use for when I’m sleeping… 🛌 so that my VP never sits at 100% fir too long. Maximum Passive income.


My threshold is set to 90%.
So, it means, if it goes below 90%, it would stop voting.